Jamf Blog

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6 ways to get ready for the new Device Enrollment Program and Volume Purchase Program

Apple introduced a pair of new programs for enterprise IT. Learn how to prepare your organization to take full advantage.

February 28 2014 by

Bett: powering learning

In mid-January we sent a few JAMFs across the pond to London for one of the biggest education technology conferences in the world—Bett.

February 21 2014 by

Minnesota school pilots at-home make-up days

For the lucky ones who haven’t had the pleasure of experiencing the polar vortex we’ve had going on this winter, we’ll give you a little recap—IT’S COLD. And we’re talking freeze-your-fingers-off, cars-won’t-start, and any-temperature-above-0-degrees-feels-downright-balmy type of cold.

February 21 2014 by


Post by Tad Johnson, Enterprise Solutions Manager It happened like this: I was in Cupertino with a few colleagues, preparing for an Executive Briefing with local customers. We went to restaurant near the office to get dinner and a final plannin

February 12 2014 by

[Video] Working with Managed Apps

December 12 2013 by

[Video] The New and Improved Casper Suite 9 API

December 12 2013 by

[Video] Deploying iOS 7 in an Institutional Model

December 12 2013 by

[Video] 7,000 iPads in 7 Months

December 12 2013 by

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