Jamf Blog

Posts in the Jamf Protect Category

October 9, 2023 by Jesus Vigo

A holistic approach to security: endpoint protection

Comprehensive endpoint protection provides modern threat landscape protection to your entire fleet of Apple computers and mobile devices, including Windows and Android endpoints. By protecting against new and evolving threats through effective and efficient defense-in-depth strategies, Jamf endpoint security solutions are not only best-of-breed, but their powerful and flexible workflows help organizations like yours to succeed with Apple and mobile devices at work, without compromising data security, user privacy or end-user productivity.

October 2, 2023 by Jesus Vigo

What is Mobile Threat Defense (MTD)?

Mobile Threat Defense solutions are all concerned with one thing only: ensuring the security of your mobile devices against malware, network-based attacks and the overall reduction of risk that modern-day security threats pose to the mobile user base.

September 27, 2023 by Laurie Mona

Securing Apple devices in Education: Peeling back the layers

Learn how the education cybersecurity threat landscape has evolved and why the most secure solution is to build layered protection.

September 26, 2023 by Laurie Mona

On-device content filtering: powerful and privacy-friendly

Check out how Jamf’s new on-device content filtering solution delivers more and better security without compromising privacy in this JNUC presentation.

September 22, 2023 by Laurie Mona

Hypothesis: Generative AI at Jamf

Learn how Jamf views Artificial Intelligence (AI), its use cases and the proof of concepts we’ve already tackled in this JNUC 2023 session.

August 31, 2023 by Hannah Bien

Manual app threat prevention in Jamf Protect

RADAR in Jamf Protect now includes App Blocking to restrict traffic from risky apps on supervised devices. Read this blog to learn more about this feature and how to use it.

August 24, 2023 by Thijs Xhaflaire

Integrating Jamf Protect with Microsoft Sentinel

Jamf Protect now integrates with Microsoft Sentinel—learn about the benefits and features of this integration in this blog.

July 26, 2023 by Haddayr Copley-Woods

On-device content filtering for the enterprise

As bad actors have turned their attention toward Apple, many organizations are seeking ways to boost their security. Enter on-device content filtering from Apple. It filters content comprehensively, adding another layer of protection to a company’s security measures.

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