New Security Policies with macOS: What PPPC Means for You

Hear how new macOS security changes impact you and what you can do now to prepare.

With macOS 10.14, Apple introduced new user data protections and ways to manage them. Say hello to the concept of Transparency, Consent and Control (TCC) with Privacy Preference Policy Control (PPPC) configuration profile payload. Quite the mouthful, but an incredible new feature for better securing Mac and protecting users.

In our webinar, New Security Policies with macOS: What PPPC Means for You, we explain why these new security policies matter and how you can put them in place at your organization.

We'll cover:

  • An overview of user data protection
  • How to identify impacted apps and devices
  • How to properly manage new security settings
  • How to use the PPPC configuration payload