Non-Boot Drive Full Notifications

New Contributor

Hello all,

I'm looking for a way to monitor the status of non-boot drives, similar to the functionality of the "Boot Drive Percentage Full" criteria. I'm curious if any of you kind folks have come up with a way of handling this, or have any suggestions of how I might go about it.

In the case of file servers with external drives and the like, I'd want to set up a Smart Group that would notify me when their non-boot drives get relatively full to encourage timely housekeeping and upgrades.


New Contributor

If all the non boot drives have the same name, e.g. 'Media Volume', it should be pretty simple:

#Extension attribute for disk usage in %
USAGE=df -h /Volumes/Media Volume | awk '{print $8}'| grep -v iused |tr -d '%'
echo <result>"$USAGE"</result>

If the non boot volumes don't have the same name across all your machines, things get a bit trickier. You'll have to contend with the possibility of additional volumes showing up that you're not interested in (e.g. a mounted installer, flash drive, etc). If I was tasked with doing this, I would probably get a full list of the disks on the machine, remove the disk currently mounted at / (aka your primary mounted drive), and return the status of the remaining disk that has the largest total storage capacity.