Broadcast a mac os x desktop to multiple users (lab setting)

New Contributor

We got a request from a faculty to allow for broadcasting an instructor station screen to a whole lab. I know Apple remote desktop has curtain mode but they want the curtain to be the instructor's desktop streaming. Is there any software on the Mac side to accomplish this....

for PC's we use net control 2 and it works great.


New Contributor

well... i found the option in Apple Remote Desktop.... I'm a dummy :) Not super obvious but it's there! I'm still open to different classroom management products if anyone uses them

New Contributor II

In the interest of sharing how to do this, especially because I forgot all about this, here's how:

• Select computers
• In the menu bar go to "Interact" and choose "Share Screen"
• In the Share Screen window choose the source computer, source display and whether to prevent the use of local desktop for target computers.

Also using this as a tip to my team. Thanks