Casper Admin 9.7 Replicate Errors (OSX 10.10.3)

New Contributor III

Hi all

New guy here with CasperSuite installed just a month ago. We are running CasperSuite 9.7 on OS X 10.10.3, and our JSS is also 9.7 (Windows server). We currently have a main distribution server, along with four file sharing servers (all using SMB).

Everything is going great, apart from one little bug. Whenever we try to use the 'Replicate' function in Casper Admin - it fails due to 'Server could not be mounted'.

The Casper Admin Sync Log info is:
2015-04-22 14:15:15: Comparing files based on size
2015-04-22 14:15:15: Mounting smb://
2015-04-22 14:15:58: ERROR: The distribution point could not be mounted. The replication operation will stop
2015-04-22 14:15:58: Finished.
-- Unmounting smb:// 22/04/2015 14:15 --

However it DOES mount both main distribution server and the file share server, as I can see both has been mounted in /Volumes. I can even manually mount both servers no problem with the same credentials that Casper Admin attempts to use.

Doing some research, I have been attempting to solve this problem with no success. I have ensured there are no spaces or special characters in either the hostname and AD account used by JSS. Replaced all hostnames for distribution servers with IP address. Also ensured that all CasperShare volumes are ejected from /Volumes before loading Casper Admin again. I have even wipe and reinstalled OS X (10.10.3) on my mac in case it was an operating system mounting issue. After all that, I still get the same error.

My conclusion so far is that is isn't an OS X issue, since I can manually mount to the CasperShare volumes no problem with the same credentials that Casper Admin attempts with. Therefore the issue, to me, seems to be with the Casper Admin program itself.

The short-term solution is to manually mount the servers, and perform a manual copy of the folders/files. This seems to work for now, however I obviously need to get this issue resolved.

Can anybody share any further ideas or advice? If I can't get this sorted soon, I will then raise it with my JAMF technical rep.

Many thanks.



No solution unfortunately. But I can confirm that we have exactly the same problem. I started to see the problem after upgrading to JSS 9.7 I think. Using an older Casper Admin version is not possible to check if the problem is the 9.7 Casper Admin. The DP is mounted correctly by Casper Admin in my case if I check the /Volumes/ directory on my Mac after starting the replication. So I think the credentials and mounting the DP are not the cause of this problem.

Our JSS is also running on a Windows server. We have two DP on SMB file shares.

As we are using a powershell script to automatically replicate the two shares it's not a big issue for us at the moment and I therefore didn't put much effort into finding a solution.

Replicating to a third SMB DP laying on a OS X Server worked by the way. So it seems to me that it's only a problem with SMB shares on a Windows server.


You're lucky it just fails up front! I'm on 9.7, Windows server 2012 with a JDS master and AFP share. It all worked fine on 9.65, but now that I'm on 9.7, replicating mounts the AFP share, deletes everything on it, copies a few items back (10% ish), and then says completed successfully.

New Contributor III

We are also facing same issues on Windows SMB shares after 9.7 upgrade, Casper admin fails to mount distribution drives or doesn't replicate files. No difference if you use Mavericks Mac or Yosemite one.

New Contributor

We are also having this issue. v9.73 using SMB shares on a purely OSX platform. Mounts OK with credentials manually.