o365 Sign In Prompt


We were running a POC with o365 and had some test accounts setup. The infrastructure work has been completed and we now have users provisioned into the portal so they can use their personal login/password. If we de-provision the test account, it takes 24 hours for the sign-in prompt to appear, and usually only after an additional reboot. My question is: Do you know of a way systematically log a user out of o365 on their mac so it prompts them to sign-in again?


Honored Contributor

You could try killing all office apps and kill the office licensing file for their user profile which should be somewhere in ~/Library which should prompt them to sign in?

But I have to ask, if it eventually logs them out (even if it's 1 day later), does it really matter when it happens? From a licensing standpoint, you're already set. From a user's standpoint, Office continues to work and worst case scenario all you get is a prompt to sign in which they should be able to do when it comes up.....


It's a timing thing as well. We want to remove office 2011 at the same time and swap them over completely. Also we have a number of users with personal o365 accounts that we want to sign out so they will be prompted again and hopefully using their corporate id.