[AutoPkgr] Can an override prevent Extension Attributes from being made?

Valued Contributor

I have been using AutoPkgr to build my updates for a while, and one thing a lot of recipes had that I found useful were extension attributes(EA's) that returned the installed version. Prior to 9.93, this was a godsend. Now, 9.93 has built in patch reporting that is far more useful than what those recipes were adding. I want to delete those EA's to reduce the number of things that run on each inventory. Unfortunately, I can't figure out a way to modify the override to prevent them from being remade every time AutoPkgr runs.

I've tried removing my version of the EA from the override's folder, but that just makes it go back to the recipe's default one. I've tried nulling the path(setting it to "", null, or any other invalid value) to the EA template, but it ignores it because it doesn't understand what to do and reverts back to the default one. I've blanked out the EA template, but that just gives me an error every time I run the recipe.

Is there a good key to use to just tell AutoPkgr to not bother making the unwanted EA's each time it runs? I've been testing with an override to a Silverlight recipe, but I'd prefer something that works on any given recipe with an EA template.