Unlock Standard User's Screensaver as Admin Broken in 10.12

Contributor II

Has anyone noticed when you have the edited /etc/pam.d/screensaver file in a 10.12 Mac, pressing Command Shift Enter opens up the username/password fields to unlock a standard user's screensaver but you find that you are unable to type anything in the fields?


Valued Contributor III

Technically speaking, that's better controlled from the authorisation database rather than fooling with the pam.d configuration files. I leave that kind of thing to Centrify ;)

But yeah look for the security authorisationdb commands to do this, works a lot better. (I'm on phone so can't look at present)

Contributor III

This used to work up to 10.11.6.

"With OS X Lion v10.7.3 and later, an admin user can can unlock another user's screen saver.
Unlocking a non-admin user's screen saver
Press Option-Return, then enter an administrative user's name and password."

Now in 10.12.1, if you try to unlock another user's screen saver (eg: network user) with Option-Return, you can't type into the name/psw fields and apparently get stuck there.
Is this a security feature? Am I missing something obvious?
Many thanks for your help!

New Contributor III

Experiencing the same. Any keystroke entered is immediately backspaced.

New Contributor III

Cross-referencing stackexchange

New Contributor II

I hoped this may be fixed / go away in 10.12.2 but still experiencing the issue. Real pain for doing support, would love to hear if anyone has a work around or fix.

New Contributor III

No fix in 10.12.3 released today.

New Contributor III

I can not say if this is addressed in the public beta of 10.12.4 b3. But you might try it there... ;-)

New Contributor III

Very nice.

New Contributor

This appears to be working in 10.12.4

Contributor II

Confirmed, working once again in 10.12.4

I know Robby is happy!
