VPP apps prompting users to install updates

New Contributor III

I have a few iPads (iOS 10.1.1) Assigned through DEP and I have a VPP account
I have an app which updates regularly. (https://teem.com/ )
The App is set to auto install and auto update inside the Mobile Apps page. (screenshot)
Assign VPP Content is checked and the DEP account is selected.

Everytime it updates, it prompts with either a cancel or update button.
I would like to understand how I get rid of this? What am I doing wrong?

Note: I only just unticked the "make app managed if currently installed as unmanaged" if thats of any consequence.

Searching brought up this - https://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/discussions/17590/vpp-device-assignment-no-silent-install-capability
and https://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/discussions/17286/workflow-to-assign-vpp-apps-to-ios-devices
Post #2 from the above pointed out that the App may be the root cause but i havent been able to glean anything else.


Contributor III

Hey just throwing in my quick 2 cent thought.

Is it possible some of the Apps were installed as unmanaged, through the App Store or previously unmanaged through Self Service? Maybe try checking the "Make app managed if currently installed as unmanaged" box.

New Contributor III

Ive had managed if currently installed as unmanaged ticked until I shared that screenshot, as I was testing.

All these apps were installed through VPP not through the app store.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@rodders Do you have a restriction requiring iTunes passwords for app updates/installs?

New Contributor III

@bentoms I do not - No restrictions applied

Contributor II

@rodders For the iPads that are prompting, check the Mobile Device, Inventory (tab), Apps to see if Management Status for EventBoard shows Managed. I'm thinking (I may be wrong) that the iOS devices needs to be supervised and the app needs to be managed.

New Contributor III

Yes the management status is managed. Yes all ipads are supervised.

New Contributor III

I have pretty much all of my ipads do this. The mdm for our ipads is lightspeed not jamf. I have found no where that would cause this issue I get the feeling its Apple.