JSS Dock item for file on Users Desktop

Contributor III

Hi all

I'm capturing a dock item that points to a file from the users Desktop, when i look at the path in the JSS it shows my home folder in the path (which makes sense!)

do you know what i need to change in the path so the Dock item will work for all users ?,

currently the path is


Legendary Contributor III

Hmm. I don't know. I'm not sure there's a valid way to adjust the path that Casper Admin captures to make it work for any account. I doubt you can use the ~ syntax to replace the home path in that.
You may be better off looking at something like dockutil for this. It may be able to handle it better.

Either that, or move the file into a more generic location, like /Users/Shared/ and capture it from that path. That way, as long as said file is deployed to your Macs into /Users/Shared/ it should work to send a Dock item with that path.

Contributor III

Thanks @mm2270 I had been using the /Users/Shared approach and that works great,
just wanted to make sure i wasn't missing something simple to get it working within the users folder.