Radius authentication issue causing users on OS X devices to be unable to logon


I didn't set this up and I hope I'm describing the problem accurately, but it has become a problem and I wanted to see if anyone else has come across this issue. About a year ago we changed our WiFi to use Radius authentication. It first checks the machine account in AD and then the user account. We then use Clearpass to setup rules depending upon the machine and then the user's account and sends them to the correct VLAN.

The problem is every so often, a user wont be able to logon to a Mac. The wireless icon will blink a few times and then go out. It should stay illuminated. My network admin has gone through the Clearpass logs and told me that the machine account is no longer valid in AD. Currently the only way to solve the problem is to unbind and rejoin the device to the domain. This is becoming a real pain in the butt.

The way he described it to me is that the device changes its ID every so often and falls out of sync with AD.

I'm attaching screen shots of my WiFi Configuration profile. Maybe we have a setting set incorrectly? Any help would be appreciated.3ffbf80433794a37b8b0b931c5bbe206