Adobe Acrobat Reader DC EULA

New Contributor III

Forgive me if this has been discussed, but I am unable to find a thread on it.

My company wants to deploy Acrobat Reader DC to all computers and they don't want the user to have to accept the EULA.

Seems like Adobe doesn't make this easy to do.

I would appreciate it If anyone can point me in the right direction. Thanks.


New Contributor III

We ended up tweaking the plist in the local user account and building it as a DMG. Add to Casper admin and selecting FUT and FEU. Add DMG to policy and seems to be working fine.703ce97a5e67499992f7da490d0449a3

View solution in original post


Contributor II

I have found that recently with Sierra that Acrobat Reader DC ignores the plist in the user template and starts with the EULA and that the only 100% acceptable solution was to use outset ( to copy the com.adobe.Reader.plist from the User Template into the ~/Library/Preferences folder using login-once setting. Yes it is the same file and weird but works 100%.

New Contributor III

We ended up tweaking the plist in the local user account and building it as a DMG. Add to Casper admin and selecting FUT and FEU. Add DMG to policy and seems to be working fine.703ce97a5e67499992f7da490d0449a3

Esteemed Contributor III

Hmmm...tried at the /Library level:

$ sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Reader '{DC = {EULAAccepted = 1 ; isFirstLaunch = 0;};}'
$ defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Reader
    DC =     {
        EULAAccepted = 1;
        isFirstLaunch = 0;

...and at the ~/Library level:

$ sudo defaults write /Users/username/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Reader '{DC = {EULAAccepted = 1 ; isFirstLaunch = 0;};}'
$ defaults read /Users/username/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Reader
    DC =     {
        EULAAccepted = 1;
        isFirstLaunch = 0;

Neither seem to stop the EULA prompt.

Will try again later using -currentHost if I remember.

Whatever works, Config Profile is probably the best way to set and enforce.


Valued Contributor II

@ktermin what did you tweek in the plist? (We ended up tweaking the plist in the local user account and building it as a DMG)


@tcandela I would like to know the answer to this as well. I have changed the preferences on my build machine and packaged up the plist file as a .dmg. It's not working. To be sure, I made two changes - the EULA and turning off "Show online storage when saving files" as this has caused some issues for some of our users. Neither change has stuck when installed on test machines. Really frustrating

Valued Contributor II

@a.holley I copied from a user account ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Reader.plist from a computer that I installed the Reader DC using self service, accepted the EULA.

I am looking at the .plist using textwrangler, the .plist is like 977 lines long. Line 177 has EULAAccepted

is this similar to the .plist that you're looking at?


I made a small plist using the commands

defaults write ~/Desktop/com.adobe.Reader '{DC = {EULAAccepted = 1 ; isFirstLaunch = 0;};}'

Import that new file as a Custom Setting in a config profile


I apply it to the user level using the preference domain com.adobe.Reader
Seems to work for us.

New Contributor III

Unable to suppress EULA and welcome tour on Adobe Acrobat Reader DC-19.021.20047 version. Can some one help us here. Tried all the above steps nothing worked out.

New Contributor II

@jamfvijju I was able to fix this issue on DC-19.021.20047, by running

loggedInUser=$( echo "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | scutil | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )

defaults write /Users/$loggedInUser/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Reader '{DC = {EULAAccepted = 1 ; isFirstLaunch = 0;};}'
defaults read /Users/$loggedInUser/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Reader
    DC =     {
        EULAAccepted = 1;
        isFirstLaunch = 0;

As a post install script and then adding this file to ~/Library/Preferences/ within the package.
I install the package via post install script to disable updates as well

## postinstall

installer -store -pkg "/private/tmp/AcroRdrDC_1902120047_MUI.pkg" -target /

loggedInUser=$( echo "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | scutil | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )

if [ -d /Users/$loggedInUser/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE/ ]; then
rm -R /Users/$loggedInUser/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE/
if [ -d /Applications/Adobe Acrobat Reader ]; then
rm -R /Applications/Adobe Acrobat Reader

exit 0      ## Success
exit 1      ## Failure

Valued Contributor II

@ktermin do you remember how you did your solution? I have the two plist files from the local user account and drag them to COMPOSER, but this local user account is not on the other computers, so when i create the .dmg and use FUT and FEU, what happens regarding that local user account that the plist were dragged from into Composer? This account is not on other computers?

so if the user i dragged the plists from is named ANDY, and ANDY is not on the other computers, what happens? Will BOB who is running the policy get those 2 plists in his ~/Library/Preferences ?

in composer i changed all the Owner to ROOT and Group to WHEEL but kept all the same permissions.