Casper Remote and "Execute Command"


I am currently using 9.99

In Casper Remote I type sudo jamf policy; sudo jamf recon in the Execute Command line and then click go. The selected Macs all show that they checked-in and updated inventory on the inventory tab, but the Policy logs does not have an update inventory log and policies set to run at check-in fail to run?


Contributor II

Hi @Sobchak,

What happens when you run the commands locally on the target machine?
If you are able to, what happens when you run the commands whilst SSH-ing through terminal to the target machine?

By "Policy Logs", do you mean the the logs for the default "Update Inventory" policy?
What are the policies that you are running at check-in?



When I run the command locally it does trigger the policy. The policy is set to run at check-in, and runs a script to delete a folder and plist file.

I guess I just did not realize that the command does not generate an update inventory log even if run locally (which seems odd).

Should sending sudo jamf policy; sudo jamf recon through Casper Remote trigger policies set to run at check-in?

Contributor II

Hey @Sobchak,

From my understanding, yes it should trigger the checkin policy. Out of curiosity, just run jamf policy checkin and see what happens. Also, you shouldn't need to pass the sudo as it will be run as root unless you are running the command as another user.

I'll have to test with the update inventory log to see if it is the same for me, but why not just add an update inventory to the policy? That should reflect accurately.

If it's set to run at checkin, are you sure it hasn't run yet. What's the execution frequency?

Cheers, Pat