Recovery Partition and 2017 MacBook Pros

Contributor III

Using the 10.12.5 installer from the App Store and the Sierra 10.12.5 update for 2017 iMac with AutoDMG produces an image that appears to install correctly on 2017 hardware. However, there is still an issue with the Recovery Partition using this method. The Recovery Partition is listed when you run diskutil list in Terminal but when you attempt to boot to it using Command + R you get the prohibit sign. Anyone find a workaround for this? FileVault 2 seems to work fine.


Valued Contributor

My solution for these right now is to thin-image (just install our apps and scripts via casper imager, not alter the out of box OS) until Apple releases either the forked OS as an installer or updates to 10.12.6. I was having the same issues as you and this seems to be the best workflow for right now for me.

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Valued Contributor

My solution for these right now is to thin-image (just install our apps and scripts via casper imager, not alter the out of box OS) until Apple releases either the forked OS as an installer or updates to 10.12.6. I was having the same issues as you and this seems to be the best workflow for right now for me.

Contributor III

I have an "out of the box" configuration that adds some default apps, settings, and enrolls into the JSS.
We don't use DEP, so this seems the best solution right now

Valued Contributor
  1. use internet recovery on a 13" or 15" 2017 MBP. Grab the installESD.
  2. Download the current Sierra installer from the App Store. Replace the InstallESD.dmg inside with the one from your IR download.
  3. Run Mager Valp's create recovery partition installer with the frankenstein'd Sierra app.
  4. Now you have a package that can be included in imaging or deployed with the correct recovery HD for the 2017 MBP's.

New Contributor III

How do you "grab" the installESD?