CIS Benchmark 2.4.7 Disable Bluetooth Sharing

New Contributor III

I've been making my way through configuring CIS benchmark restrictions. I've been able to find ways to implement turning off all other sharing preferences in the System Preferences > Sharing Pane, but Bluetooth sharing has been a bit off.

My goal is to either disable bluetooth sharing by configuration profile or policy and then set a restriction for the sharing pan altogether. I can't seem to find a way to disable bluetooth sharing through the terminal for macOS Sierra using the "defaults" command. I've also tried disabling it through a custom configuration profile, but have not been able to locate what domain this setting is a part of or what value is needed to disable it.

Any tips?


Contributor III
Contributor III

Have you checked out Jamf Professional service's CIS Settings?


New Contributor II

This one is trickier than your typical defaults write, since it's a user-level ByHost plist. Here's a quick and dirty script:


hardwareUUID=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep 'Hardware UUID:' | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d ' ')
user_homes=($(ls /Users))
for user_name in ${user_homes[@]}; do
        if [ -f "$plist_file" ]; then
            echo "Writing settings for $user_name.."
            defaults write "$plist_file" PrefKeyServicesEnabled -bool false
            chown $user_name $plist_file
killall blued

New Contributor III

@golbiga Hmmm I have not seen that yet. I'll do some testing. I played around with it a bit and was having some issues re-mediating a few things. Unfortunately, bluetooth was one of the things I had trouble re-mediating. I'll keep testing though.

@bmodesitt hmm this seemed to work. I'll have to take a look at a few of these commands and your workflow. This is a good teachable moment seeing as I'm a beginner at scripting.