need help with script

Valued Contributor II

have a script that I'm calling via Self Service and it works perfectly. When I have another policy call the same script, it doesn't work quite right. I'll see in the logs a line:271:370: execution error: No user interaction allowed. (-1713)

below is the script. It has Apple Script at the beginning to popup a window with a list of selections and then ends with basic shell scripting.


nameCode=`/usr/bin/osascript <<EOT
set locations to {"Office 1", "Office 2", "Office 3"}

set choice to (choose from list locations with prompt "Please select the Office that best describes your location")
set city to the result
set code to city as text

if (code = "Office 1") then
    set nameCode to "DAL"
else if (code = "Office 2") then
    set nameCode to "ATL"
else if (code = "Office 3") then
    set nameCode to "BUR"
    set nameCode to "CORP"
end if

sn=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Serial/ {print $4}' | cut -c 5-)
model=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Model Name/ {print $3}')

if [[ $model == "MacBook" ]]; then


echo "computerName has been set to: $computerName"

networksetup -setcomputername $computerName
scutil --set LocalHostName $computerName
scutil --set HostName $computerName
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ NetBIOSName $computerName

Contributor III

The error is likely triggered by the "choose from list" command, which wants to work in the GUI, which is often forbidden by osascript and restricted by execution context. Wrappering osascript in a bash shell usually helps, but not always, as you discovered.

First, try having Self Service pop up the list. If that doesn't work, try the Launch Services command line interface to get in the correct context. Both tweaks are shown below, but untested.

nameCode=`/bin/launchctl asuser $(/usr/bin/stat -f%u /dev/console) /usr/bin/osascript <<EOT/usr/bin/osascript <<EOT
set locations to {"Office 1", "Office 2", "Office 3"}

set choice to (tell app "Self Service" to choose from list locations with prompt "Please select the Office that best describes your location")

View solution in original post


Contributor III

The error is likely triggered by the "choose from list" command, which wants to work in the GUI, which is often forbidden by osascript and restricted by execution context. Wrappering osascript in a bash shell usually helps, but not always, as you discovered.

First, try having Self Service pop up the list. If that doesn't work, try the Launch Services command line interface to get in the correct context. Both tweaks are shown below, but untested.

nameCode=`/bin/launchctl asuser $(/usr/bin/stat -f%u /dev/console) /usr/bin/osascript <<EOT/usr/bin/osascript <<EOT
set locations to {"Office 1", "Office 2", "Office 3"}

set choice to (tell app "Self Service" to choose from list locations with prompt "Please select the Office that best describes your location")

Valued Contributor II

Thank you @joshuasee !!

I've been wracking my brain as to why this wasn't working. The launchctl command worked.