A Fireside Chat with Paul Bowden and Jeff Kalvass about Microsoft Office for Mac


Microsoft engineers and product managers jumped into the MacAdmins Slack workgroup nearly three years ago. Since then, they've been listening to our feedback and making Office for Mac easier and easier to deploy and manage.

Come meet the people behind two of the screen names!

Paul Bowden is a software engineer with the Office for Mac group and is responsible for installers, updaters, packages, licensing and the https://macadmins.software site. Jeff Kalvass is Program Manager for Outlook for Mac, which is arguably the most prolific and complex network application Mac admins support.

They're coming to JNUC not just to show us new ways for Managing Office 2019 for Mac, but to speak with you and hear what you have to say.

How are they doing? What's in store for Office for Mac? What's on your mind?

Join us for a fireside chat mini event with Jeff and Paul where you can ask them anything.



Contributor III

Is this mini event going to be recorded? Would love to attend but cost and distance is too great for work to cover.

Contributor III

I’m looking forward to meeting both new and familiar faces at JNUC!
Many thanks to @talkingmoose for organizing this mini-event - you’re the best!

Contributor II

I went to this a couple years ago at JNUC when Paul was first discussing what was intended for MAU 4.0. Great talk and very informative. Unfortunately I won't be at this years JNUC so if it could be recorded or some way for those not there to get the details that would be wonderful.


@dmw3 and @Brad_G, Jamf won't be recording because this is technically not a Jamf event.

I can see about putting up a laptop with external camera to capture this, but can't make any promises. Quite often, best laid plans go astray.

New Contributor

Can't wait! Thanks @talkingmoose for organizing. I'm super excited to be attending (and co-presenting) this year!


Now that JNUC is over and i'm back in the office going over my notes. @pbowden talked about smaller Office update packages. I am trying to find the URL to download these smaller "update" packages for Office 2019.
I know that you can download the full installer for the Office suite at https://macadmins.software/. I'm under the impression that there is a smaller "update only" package (as opposed to the full 1.5 GB installer)

Any help would be appreciated.