How do i export the complete list of policies in Jamf pro

New Contributor III

How do i export the complete list of policies created in Jamf PRO, we are hosted in Cloud , i know the copy and paste would work.

Do we have any alternate method to export the complete list of policies.


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

@yateeshkumark using the API is the only way I know to do it. If all you want is the ID and name of the policy, then take a look at jss_helper. I use that to grab the list of policies into a file. If you need more info, then you'll probably need to look at writing a specific API call that dumps all of the policy data out into a CSV or something. Out of the box there is no way that I know of to export all of the policies.

Valued Contributor

Not sure if this is overkill, or exactly what you're looking for


What do you want to accomplish with your export? Is this to copy the policies to another server? Is it for documentation?

Valued Contributor

I'm getting a request for a Policy List for documentation purposes.

Valued Contributor III

If it's a one off I think You can probably did it pretty easy directly through the API test page, this is usually at /api from the main JSS URL.
There is a GET Policies section and I am pretty sure the "Try it Out" will return a list of policies you can copy and paste. It would also give you the commands you would need to do if you wanted to automate this in some manner.