macOS 10.14.2 Changes to the mounting of network drives via script?

New Contributor III

Hi Everyone, I'll need to do some more testing to confirm this, but was there any changes to the way it handles mounts of network drives using a script that you all are aware of?

On 10.14.1: our script would use a file as the source, then our script would mount a networked drive automatically.

On 10.14.2: instead of automatically mounting, the screen to enter credentials pops up. After entering in credentials, you would need to select the desired networked drive.

#Use the variables from the file in order to mount the smb share#

source /Users/admin/Desktop/FileFolder/
sudo open smb://$UN:$PW@$shareName

New Contributor III

I tested this theory on a 2nd Mac by first confirming that it mounts properly on 10.14.1. Then updating the computer to 10.14.2 and confirming that it no longer automatically mounts. Any ideas on how might one get around this? We use it as a critical part of our provisioning process.


Valued Contributor II

This is supposedly resolved in 10.14.3 Beta 3.