Mixed Distribution Point Sync

New Contributor

Up until now my organization has been able to maintain all of our distribution points on OS X servers. This has enabled us to use rsync to keep all of my distribution points in sync. We are now facing bringing on a Windows server as a distribution point. Other than manual replication, what means have you guys used to keep these distro points in sync. I am currently looking in to various ports of rsync onto windows as well as robocopy, but haven't found anything that I have been impressed with yet.


Honored Contributor

I haven't used it specifically for DP replication, but have a look at Robocopy. ("Robust Copy") It's a tool from Microsoft. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc733145%28WS.10%29.aspx

There's *loads* of options for copying your files. It's powerful and it may take some experimenting but it'll likely do you quite well.

New Contributor

Robocopy is a potential answer. I have been looking at a few tools including several that use rsync as a backend. I am hoping to find something that will do a diff copy similar to rsync as the distro in question will offshore and reducing bandwidth will be an issue.

Honored Contributor
I am hoping to find something that will do a diff copy similar to rsync

Robocopy will do this. It primarily looks at file creation/modification dates and file sizes as the properties to determine changed files.

Esteemed Contributor III

Honored Contributor

batch files with powershell. Powershell is Microsoft's answer to every Unix admin out there that wants commands to script and automate. I personally have only slightly dabbled in it. However, with Windows Task Manager (or whatever it is Windows uses for scheduling tasks these days) and a simple script you can automate all sorts of things. Copying data across servers at midnight every night for example would be an easy task. No need to buy third party, or deal with third party when you can roll your own.

Let me take a peak at powershell and see whats up.

Edit -

OK, found this sample script via Google and as you can see it is VERY Unix-like
