How to modify current extension attibute to work with Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.4 ?

Contributor III

it looks like the EA/script for collecting Norton virus definition date does not work with SEP 12.1.4 (while it used to work fine here with up to SEP v. 12.1.2)

The reason seems to be they changed the location of the "WHATSNEW.TXT" file that is now within each updated definition (eg: /Library/Application Support/Symantec/AntiVirus/20140210.001/WHATSNEW.TXT) instead of /Library/Application Support/Symantec/AntiVirus/Engine/WHATSNEW.TXT"

I was wondering if anyones has found a way to use and extension attribute to collect virus definition dates for SEP 12.1.4.
Many thanks for your help!!!


Valued Contributor III

Ugh, I am taking a look at that now since this is on my to-do list, and it looks like those paths are going to be changing often. There appears to be logic to the naming conventions but nothing I would rely on.

Plus, you will need to have code that can handle the old version and the new version if you have a mixed environment like I do. I'll start working on something unless someone else has a better idea than parsing all of the files and getting the most recent date.

Valued Contributor II

I am curious as to why you would waste your time with this when the SEPM should be able to report that stuff. I push all AV stuff to the teams that manage the AV servers.

New Contributor

The following works successfully with 12.1.4:

if [ -e "/Applications/Symantec Solutions/Symantec Endpoint" ]; then
echo "<result>$(defaults read /Applications/"Symantec Solutions"/"Symantec Endpoint Protection".app/Contents/Info CFBundleShortVersionString)</result>" else
echo "<result>N/A</result>"

Valued Contributor III

@josaxo][/url][/url][/url][/url][/url, that appears to just get you the app version.

Here is what I wrote (this needs more testing, I just threw this together), which actually gives me the integer version in days of the age of the definitions, which is more useful in my opinion. I can run a report or create a smart group to look for systems with defs that are older than our threshold and take automatic action based on that:


# Get age of SEP definitions

sepPath="/Library/Application Support/Symantec/Antivirus"

if [ -f "$sepPath/Engine/WHATSNEW.TXT" ]; then
    result=`/bin/date -j -f "%b %d, %Y" "$(cat "/Library/Application Support/Symantec/AntiVirus/Engine/WHATSNEW.TXT" | grep "Symantec Security Response" | awk '{print $5, $6, $7}')" "+%s"`

for subDir in `ls "$sepPath"`; do
    if [ -d "$sepPath/$subDir" ] && [ -f "$sepPath/$subDir/whatsnew.txt" ] ; then
        subdefDate=`/bin/date -j -f "%b %d, %Y" "$(cat "$sepPath/$subDir/whatsnew.txt" | grep "Symantec Security Response" | awk '{print $5" " $6" " $7}')" "+%s"`
    if [ $result ]; then
        if [ $subdefDate -gt $result ]; then

curDate=`date "+%s"`

defAge=`echo $(((curDate - result)/60/60/24))`

echo "<result>$defAge</result>"

New Contributor

My fault - I read the post too quickly.

Contributor II

Yes, the SEPM can and does report it. However built-in security measures in OS X prevent live update from running when no one is logged into the system or the screen is locked. Consequently most of the systems on our 'out-of-date-more-than-5-days-report' are Macs. For us, there are industry requirements that we keep our Mac, Windows, and *nix systems up to date with whatever AV solution we use (and we have to use one) - so that's why I have to care. SEP 12.1.4 promises to fix the LU-not-running-with-no-console-user issue, but I have not really started testing that yet... To add insult to injury - if you try to force LU to run through the SEPM and it cannot because of one of the reasons above - it will become a zombie process and then LU will not run again until the Mac is restart or all LU processes are killed.

To that end I've written a number of scripts to force updates using Intelligent Update - it uses the built-in Installer binary to install a .pkg of def updates. A nightly job runs on one of our servers to curl the latest update package from Symantec, then distributes via casper syncing. A separate daily job runs on the Macs to curl that package from the internal servers and install. I don't want it applying to every Mac - because some actually do stay up to date - so that's why I care about an EA to tell me virus def dates. I wrote a blog article about it here:

And these are the scripts I use to curl the latest updates and then the daily script to apply the latest update to a Mac:

## written by Andrew Caldwell, 1/19/2012    ##
## This script pulls the latest virus defs from Symantecs website. ##
## And copies them to the Casper server. Also, deletes .pkgs      ##
## older than 3 days.                                                                      ##

mkdir -p -m 777 /Users/isdadmin/Desktop/SEP121Updates

## Clean up the SEP121Updates folder first. If the only file on Symantec's defs site is more than 3 days old, it will be redownloaded below for application to newly deployed clients
cd /Users/admin/Desktop/SEP121Updates/
CurrentTime=`date +%s`                              ## Get current time in seconds
Time3DaysAgo=$(($CurrentTime - (3 * 86400)))        ## Get time 3 days ago in seconds
for i in `ls`; do                                   ## delete update files modified more than 3 days prior to save space on the server
    FileModTime=`stat -s $i | awk '{print $10}' | cut -d = -f2`
    if [ "$FileModTime" -lt "$Time3DaysAgo" ]; then
        ## If the mod time is less, the file was modified more than 3 days ago, remove it
        rm "$i"

## Repeat for the SEP121Updates folder on Casper server
cd /Volumes/CasperShare/SEP121Updates/
for i in `ls`; do                                   ## delete update files modified more than 3 days prior to save space on the server
    FileModTime=`stat -s $i | awk '{print $10}' | cut -d = -f2`
    if [ "$FileModTime" -lt "$Time3DaysAgo" ]; then
        ## If the mod time is less, the file was modified more than 3 days ago, remove it
        rm "$i"

## Get the current date. This will be used as a starting point to download the latest definitions
CurrDate=`date +%Y%m%d`
## A flag to signal the script when the update has been found and downloaded

while [ $UpdateFound -eq 0 ]
    ## The filename is static except for the date it is released, so store this name in a variable
    ## to change if necessary

    ## Use curl to generate a listing of the files on the Symantec website. Grep out the file that most
    ## closely resembles the desired update, then clean it up so we have just the filename
    RawFileListing=`curl -l | grep $DesiredUpdate`

    ## Compare the file curl found to the desired update filename. If they match, we've found the latest
    ## update, download it. If not, try again with the previous days' date
    if [ "$RawFileListing" == "$DesiredUpdate" ]; then
        curl$DesiredUpdate > /Users/admin/Desktop/SEP121Updates/$DesiredUpdate
        cp /Users/admin/Desktop/SEP121Updates/$DesiredUpdate /Volumes/CasperShare/SEP121Updates/
        ## If we haven't found the update with $CurrDate, it must be for a previous date. Decrease the day by 1 to
        ## check again for an update file from the day prior
        CurrDate=$(( $CurrDate - 1 ))
## written by Andrew Caldwell, 1/19/2012 ##
## This script pulls the latest virus defs from Symantecs website     ## 
## and installs them using Intelligent Updater. This script ensures   ##
## Macs get the latest virus def updates even if no one is logged in  ##

## kill live update if it is running
killall LiveUpdate

## Get the current date in YYYYMMDD format. This will be used as a starting point to download the latest definitions
CurrDate=`date +%Y%m%d`
## A flag to signal the script when the update has been found and downloaded

while [ $UpdateFound -eq 0 ]
    ## The filename is static except for the date it is released, so store this name in a variable
    ## to change if necessary

    ## Use curl to generate a listing of the files on the Symantec website. Grep out the file that most
    ## closely resembles the desired update, then clean it up so we have just the filename
    FileListing=`ls /Volumes/CasperShare/SEP121Updates | grep $DesiredUpdate`

    ## Compare the file curl found to the desired update filename. If they match, we've found the latest
    ## update, download it. If not, try again with the previous days' date
    if [ "$FileListing" == "$DesiredUpdate" ]; then
        cp /Volumes/"$CasperDP"/SEP121Updates/$DesiredUpdate /Users/Shared/
        cd /Users/Shared/
        unzip $DesiredUpdate

        ## Install the updates
        installer -verbose -pkg SymantecAVDefs_Intel.pkg -target /
        ## If we haven't found the update with the current date, it must be a previous date. Decrease the day by 1 to
        ## check again for an update file from the day prior
        CurrDate=$(( $CurrDate - 1 ))


## Clean up after the updates are finished
rm -rf $DesiredUpdate SymantecAVDefs_Intel.pkg

Contributor III

@alexjdale many thanks! Now the EA works regardless of the installed SEP version
@everyone also many thanks for your other suggestions