Process "loginwindow console" doesn't terminate

New Contributor

With Mac OS X 10.8.5, SSD(!) boot device and Casper 8.64 the console login of a client policy request(?) doesn't teminate:

bash-3.2# ps -ax | grep console
   75 ??         0:00.13 /System/Library/CoreServices/ console


bash-3.2# ps -ax | grep console
36678 ??         0:00.46 /System/Library/CoreServices/ console

This causes no login window screen and happens after reboot and logoff (eventually after login and other policy requests(?), because often there are more then one "loginwindow console" processes hanging with ??). I login via terminal ssh and have to sudo kill -HUP <pid of loginwindow console>. After killing all these processes the login window screen appears immediatly.

Any ideas for a work around?


New Contributor

The answer is: Apple has a problem with 10.8.5, see here:

Here is the workaround (from Björn Binroth):

You can fix it by booting into safe mode, press and hold down the SHIFT key after startup
and disable the keyboard input menu in "System Preferences"
-> Users & Groups -> Login Options -> "Show Input menu in login window"

then reboot to normal mode

or (nobody should be logged in)

SSH into the machine and 'killall loginwindow' as root
and disable it in CLI by running
'defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ showInputMenu'
as root

or (this is my solution)

make a script and run it after all other with a policy

View solution in original post

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@jacasper, I posted a similar solution here;":

Please mark your post as the answer, so the thread is complete.

View solution in original post


New Contributor

The answer is: Apple has a problem with 10.8.5, see here:

Here is the workaround (from Björn Binroth):

You can fix it by booting into safe mode, press and hold down the SHIFT key after startup
and disable the keyboard input menu in "System Preferences"
-> Users & Groups -> Login Options -> "Show Input menu in login window"

then reboot to normal mode

or (nobody should be logged in)

SSH into the machine and 'killall loginwindow' as root
and disable it in CLI by running
'defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ showInputMenu'
as root

or (this is my solution)

make a script and run it after all other with a policy

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@jacasper, I posted a similar solution here;":

Please mark your post as the answer, so the thread is complete.