
Joined: June 2016

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  • 51 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
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User Activity

I'm trying to create a config profile with all off the JAMF Connect settings using the new tool they created to do so, but I'm not sure what to but under the License File section. I have the separate config file from JAMF with our licenses but even t...
Is there a way to set a config profile to allow any size app be downloaded over cellular? They finally added the option in iOS 13 under Settings -> iTunes & App Store -> App Downloads. Reason being is I have users who are drivers and never are on WiF...
Hi all, I'm looking to create an installer for my setup process that would install certificates in the System keychain and set them to always trusted. What would be the best way to create such a .pkg?
Is there any way with JAMF to schedule when iOS apps update themselves so that they're not trying to update willy nilly throughout the day? We have some users who are complaining that their apps try to update at inopportune times. Force updates are s...
I updated the JSS today to the latest and for whatever reason my netboots will not show up at all on client machines. I tried making a new AutoCasperNBI, no luck. Image is available over NFS. Here's a netboot log if that helps: netboot:state = "RUNNI...
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