New Contributor II

Joined: February 2017

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Hi, I have created Config profile in JAMF pro for Filevault recovery key escrow. When i pushed to client found that Filevault is not giving option to turn off. When i checked he profile found that in Filevault preferences MCX , Filevault can't disabl...
Hi, We are in process of setting up Pre-stage enrollment. We are using third party SSL certificate. How we can configure Anchor certificate. whether it will by default as self sign certificate or 3rd party SSL certificate or do we need to add manuall...
Hi, We are planning to upgrade JAMF Pro to 10.6.2 from 10.1.1. As per guide when we upgrade to 10.6 or later, need to change database storage engine to INNODB. But in our environment already default storage engine is showing as INNODB in my.ini file ...
Hi, We are setting up DEP integration with JAMF pro 10.1 version. As per my understanding below are the steps to be followed. Please suggest if i miss something here to add.1. We have DEP account. (DEP account is already integrated with Intune and wo...
Do we have any article or link which will show JAMFpro MySQL database table details. For example if we want to see HDD utilized or free space , which table has to be referred.
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