
Joined: August 2012

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I just inherited a JSS one week after a 650 Macbook Air deploy. In this deploy, no machines have been bound or named, but asset tag info was recorded into the JSS (in the asset_tag field). Each of them has the name "Macbook Air" or "User's Macbook Ai...
Just wanted to open a forum for discussion topics. While we can approach anything and everything that is needed at meeting time, I thought it would be good to get a working list down. :)
Hey everyone! From Janesville WI and looking to connect with local and semi-local Apple and Casper admins. I have a CUG request up, but I am mainly looking to gather interest in either meeting on a regular basis or forming a small group of close knit...
Hey everyone: Anyone want to point at potential roadblocks or issues I am likely to experience? I am running on Ubuntu server (64), and recently went from 9.2 to 9.32 as I was waiting to see if the Thunderbolt Enrollment bug was repaired. Other than ...
Recently we removed all student storage and network home folders from our SAN. We now point all student AD account home folders to an empty (or NULL) path. Since this change, all new mobile accounts on devices show with a blank (finder and self servi...