Teach and learn from anywhere.
In the wake of a health crisis — and to best keep students and educators safe — schools are re-evaluating their teaching practices and learning environments to accommodate an at-home, virtual learning experience.
The ability to make this fully functional and efficient falls squarely on IT. But, with the right tools in place, remote learning can be as simple and intuitive as in-person.
In our five-part blog series, we identify five ways you can best serve students and teachers when you move learning online. We cover how to:
Parte 1: Definir expectativas para estudiantes y profesores
Parte 2: Estimular debates constructivos a diario
Parte 3: Fomentar la interacción entre compañeros
Parte 4: Ofrecer un aprendizaje activo a través de proyectos y grupos reducidos
Parte 5: Aprovechar el potencial de las apps y los juegos
Offer active learning through projects and breakout groups
When students are working in a home environment, that doesn’t mean learning has to become stagnant or that learning must be done independently. Encourage students to work on tasks that require coordination and communication between their peers.
Pair students up or allow them to self-pair and leverage their iPad as a gateway to collaboration and learning. Leverage the Jamf Teacher app to create lesson profiles and designate to the entire class or segments. Teachers can even prevent the viewing of other apps to reduce any distraction.
With Jamf Pro, you can let our patented Smart Groups do the heavy lifting. Quickly define a group of students and let Smart Groups deploy pre-selected apps — like communication tools — right to their devices.
If the same assignment is given to a group of students, they can coordinate on parts of the assignment using the apps the teacher allows. By utilizing collaboration tools such as Apple iWork, Google Docs/Sheets and Explain Everything — which brings a digital collaborative whiteboard to the entire (virtual) classroom — students stay engaged and are able to feel a part of the group in their individual learning environment.
Be prepared for all learning environments
Facilitating remote learning is only going to be more commonplace — with or without health scares. With a plan in place and the right tools at the ready, transitioning from in-class to online learning can be as easy as reciting the ABCs.
If you’re ready to deliver the best learning experience to every student regardless of location, we’re ready to help. Get started with a free trial of our education solutions. And once a customer, take advantage of over 130 free online training modules on how to best leverage Jamf Pro to empower your educators and students.
To learn more, sign up for our April 2 webinar for additional ways to support remote learning.
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