IBM Notifier is a small application deployed to end-user Macs which allows System Administrators to display content to end users.
CocoaWho? IBM Notifier, a modern notification agent
As Mac admins since the early days of enterprise Mac deployments, we have had to use various open- and closed-source tools to present messaging to our customers. With IBM Notifier, we have the power and flexibility to create custom messaging and the functionality we need to present a consistent user experience on macOS. IBM Notifier is a small application deployed to end-user Macs which allows System Administrators to display content to end users. This includes Apple Notification Center banners, stand-alone pop-up dialogs and other custom interactive workflows. This application allows for markdown formatting, embedded media such as links and videos. It also processes return codes from end-user button clicks to perform actions in more complex script-based workflows and more! IBM Notifier is written in Apple’s Swift language, has universal support to both Apple Silicon and Intel-based devices and complies with all of Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines.