Healthcare State of the Union | JNUC 2023

Discover how Jamf’s solutions for Apple devices are transforming healthcare by streamlining IT processes and enhancing patient and provider experiences.

In this session, the Jamf Healthcare Team highlights how Apple devices are becoming the conduits of enhanced healthcare services. Explore how Jamf's suite of management, security and workflow solutions are simplifying processes for IT and InfoSec, making the integration of iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV solutions a breeze. The horizon of clinical communications, telehealth, patient engagement and entertainment is expanding with the help of our Solution Partners. Their apps and integrations are setting a new bar for what's achievable in healthcare. Furthermore, learn about the latest enhancements from Jamf and Apple. With insights from Jamf’s Adam Mahmud, Victoria Smith and Breean Moreno, get ready to envision a new era of healthcare powered by smart technology.