Join us for the keynote that kicks off JNUC 2019 – our 10th JNUC – and the celebration of Jamf Nation!
JNUC 2019: Celebrating 10 Years, Keynote Day 1
No technology company focuses on the end user better than Apple, underlined by recent updates unveiled during fall OS releases. Add in the power of Jamf, and now IT admins can do an even better job focusing on the people, deploying Apple en masse while preserving the legendary Apple user experience. The very best of Apple and Jamf delivers on user experience, privacy and security. With more to showcase than ever before, we’ll take you on a journey through our product portfolio and explain the most efficient and secure ways to onboard and connect users to organizational resources, manage entire fleets of Apple devices, and protect hardware and software investments. Join us for the keynote that kicks off JNUC 2019 – our 10th JNUC – and the celebration of Jamf Nation!