See how to marry Jamf Pro, Winclone and Ivanti to manage Bootcamp instances.
Leveraging Jamf Pro, Winclone, and Ivanti to Automate and Manage Your Dual-Boot Bootcamp Instances
Three's a party: Mac + Winclone + Ivanti.
Creating Bootcamp partitions can be very time-consuming, even with the right software tools. See how we can marry Jamf Pro, Winclone, and Ivanti, using Jamf Pro for provisioning macOS, Ivanti for managing Windows and Winclone for creating deployable images, with Boot Runner, a GUI boot OS chooser. This 2018 Jamf Nation User Conference video covers the basics of configuring Jamf Pro, Winclone, Boot Runner, and Ivanti to provision and manage both MacOS and Windows - with just a few clicks.