In this video, see how Beaverton School District uses DataDog, a tool that allows users to create a free account and monitor up to 5 free servers, to identify and resolve issues.
Monitoring tomCAT with dataDOG
Identify issues before they become problems
Monitoring your servers allows you to know if they are functioning normally and arm you to take action if they are not. Even when the server appears to be working, a monitoring tool can help identify issues before they become problems. Knowing what to look for and how to set warning thresholds could make all the difference. In this video, we dive into a service called DataDog, which allows users to create a free account and monitor up to 5 free servers. We cover the simple steps to set up a DataDog account, creating the dashboard and setting thresholds on some common metrics. You'll also see examples of how this has helped Beaverton School District identify and resolve issues.