It’s easier than you think to give your security team visibility without pulling ad hoc reports for them every day for every obscure vulnerability. SummaryRedox is changing the way that healthcare shares data. As a distributed workforce, they are also changing the way their employees work, which in turn changes how their computers are secured and managed. Without a central headquarters, perimeter, or traditional infrastructure to monitor security events, new challenges are created for IT and security. Join Kevin and Lisa to see how they are transforming traditional security and IT practices in this new distributed future with Jamf Pro and the Jamf Pro add on for Splunk. It’s all about the data… and there’s a lot of it. Keep the security team happy with visibility into endpoint data how they want to see it. See just how easy it is to create useful dashboards, reporting and alerting. Help Security help themselves by using familiar or industry-standard tools to query the valuable data from Jamf. It really is possible to keep your employees happy, productive AND to keep security satisfied. Give security the data they need, with the tool they already have and know. Give them the ability to aggregate Jamf data with other data sources, all without installing another macOS agent.