Introducing Jamf Pro 10.19

Continued investment in our platform and partners rings in latest version of Jamf Pro.

February 11 2020 by

Garrett Denney

With hardly a month behind us in the new year, we are excited to launch another new version of Jamf Pro, this time highlighting two industry-leading partnerships: Microsoft and Google. These two tech titans — alongside Jamf Pro — are helping pave the way for a better tomorrow by equipping admins to better integrate various parts of their I.T. stack.

We are also bringing new design and functionality to Jamf Pro to take our market-leading product to new heights. Updated button icons and design elements make for a more consistent and modern experience for admins using the application.

Microsoft Azure SSO

Since announcing a groundbreaking partnership with Microsoft three years ago, we have continued to invest resources into better integration with Microsoft products. In January, customers saw this investment pay off in a new streamlined workflow to better manage Office 365 — one of the world’s favorite suites of productivity tools — natively within Jamf Pro.

Now, with Jamf Pro 10.19, we are bringing another part of the Microsoft ecosystem into Jamf Pro: Azure SSO. This update makes it easier than ever to configure Azure SSO within the Jamf Pro single sign-on menu, removing a barrier for new admins and making it faster for old pros. The new drop-down menu dynamically presents fields that apply to Azure, and nothing else.

For anyone who has ever wished for an easier way to bring this single sign-on experience into Jamf Pro, you will love this update. Find it today in the Jamf Pro settings menu.

Google Secure LDAP

Education remains one of our most important industries and our partnership with Google has been one of the most impactful ways to better serve I.T. admins in education. Google directories are extremely common in education. One way we can help admins use the best tools for the job is to closely integrate with Google Secure LDAP.

Admins were already able to use some information from Google Secure LDAP, but with Jamf Pro 10.19 we are unlocking the ability to map more data — and to do so directly within Jamf Pro. This is a big quality-of-life improvement for any admin using Jamf Pro and Google with custom directory attributes. We're excited to debut it now so you can take advantage of it as end-of-school duties begin to ramp over the coming months.

Learn more about Jamf’s integration with Google Secure LDAP.

Enrollment evolved

For new employees, enrolling their new Mac can be a powerful experience. Even more so if I.T. begins thinking of enrollment as their first chance to serve that new employee. In that spirit, we are rolling out two new enhancements that will help supercharge enrollment: improved enrollment packages and better enrollment customization.

Enrollment packages are a common way for an admin to tailor the enrollment workflow to their organization. By deploying a package (.pkg) while paused in the Setup Assistant, the admin can ensure that an app or tool is present before the Mac starts enrollment. With Jamf Pro 10.19, we are allowing admins to leverage any compatible HTTPS distribution point for package delivery. This means that many more of our customers can take advantage of enrollment packages, regardless of their Jamf Pro server and distribution environment. Admins can also deploy multiple packages during enrollment for the first time.

Next steps

On top of the major features listed above, Jamf Pro 10.19 includes an update to Jamf Composer, improvements to the Jamf Pro user interface design, and a better workflow for managing notifications on end-user devices.

For more information about this release, read our release notes. If you are not yet part of the Jamf family, head to to get in touch.

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