Jamf School of Thought Ep. 1: Digital Storytelling

Apple Distinguished Educator Michael Hernandez is the first guest on the Jamf School of Thought blogcast, sharing reflections about digital storytelling and media literacy.

March 21 2022 by

Mike Lawrence

A photo with a dark blue filter of a teenage girl smiling and sitting at a desk while using an iPad. The

For our premiere episode of the Jamf School of Thought blogcast, Mike and Emily talk with Michael Hernandez, an award-winning teacher, author and consultant based in Los Angeles, about student media creation, digital storytelling, experiential learning, authentic audiences and more. We rediscover a Mark Twain quote and hear about Michael’s powerful story of a student trip to Cuba and the teachable moment that was the result.

Michael’s work focuses on media literacy, digital storytelling and innovation in learning. He is an Apple Distinguished Educator, National Geographic Grosvenor Teacher Fellow, Google for Education Certified Innovator and PBS Digital Innovator. You can find him on Twitter at @cinehead and Instagram at @changing.the.narrative, or visit his website at www.michael-hernandez.net.

A headshot of Michael Hernandez wearing glasses and smiling

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