Whether you’re moving to a new server or setting up a development and/or QA server, you’ll need to start populating them with data. This can be accomplished by either individually enrolling devices, manually creating policies, profiles, etc… or by importing the data. If you’ve set up a server before, you’re likely familiar with the tedious process of adding data manually so let’s look at how you can import data.
Two options exist for importing data: directly importing into the database or utilizing an API. Importing directly into the database should only be used if you have a complete and healthy Jamf Pro server database to import. Importing sections or individual items can result in an unstable or unusable server. An API on the other hand provides great flexibility, convenience and safe guards for importing data.
Getting Started
As mentioned earlier, importing directly into MySQL is useful for a full import of all data:
mysql -u root -p jamfsoftware < ../jamfsoftware.sql
The import has little flexibility as to what is imported but provides a quick way to populate the database. Be aware that any existing data will be overwritten by the import. Utilizing the API allows you to retain existing data while importing new data or modifying existing data. This is ideal for environments where you develop and test on one server, then once things are ready, migrate the item(s) to another. You can view endpoints available in the API by browsing to:
To begin, let’s add a category to the database using bash:
curl -sku apiUser:password https://your.jamf.server:port/JSSResource/categories/id/0 -d "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><category><name>Security</name><priority>9</priority></category>" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/xml"
Breaking down the command:
curl - the binary that submits data to the endpoint.
-s - run silently, don’t display progress.
-k - ignore certificate validation.
-u - credentials used to connect to the server. If the password is not provided you will be prompted.
-d - the data that will be sent.
-X - the operation to perform. The most common being: POST (create new), PUT (update existing), GET, DELETE.
-H - format of the data and whether we’re sending or receiving.
-v - Not used here, but will provide verbose output. Handy for troubleshooting.
When creating new objects, always specify an id of 0 (zero).
Upon successful completion of the command, the server will reply with something similar to the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><category><id>23</id></category>
Updating an existing item can be performed by referencing either the object name or ID. I prefer to reference the object by ID as it is always unique. Computers and policies for example can have duplicate names. If trying to reference the object by name, there is no guarantee you’ll update the one you’re interested in, if duplicates exist. To update the category you just created from ’Security' to ‘Security - macOS’, leave the priority as it is:
curl -sku apiUser:password https://your.jamf.server:port/JSSResource/categories/id/23 -d "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><category><name>macOS - Security</name></category>" -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/xml"
Stepping it Up
Let’s look at adding something a little more complex, printers for example. Previously, with categories, you only needed to provide a name for the object and had the option to provide a priority. With printers you have a name, category, URI, CUPS name, location, along with several other attributes available. To get an idea for what the structure of the XML needed to add a printer is, let’s visit the Jamf developer portal at http://developer.jamf.com/apis/classic-api/index and navigate to the POST method within the “printers” resource.
Note all the fields required when creating a new printer object. Looking at the Jamf server GUI when creating a printer will help identify the required fields:
Next, you’ll create a spreadsheet containing the information for your printers. Be sure to save the spreadsheet with line endings appropriate to the OS, and as plain text. At the very least you need the display name for the printer, CUPS (queue) name for the printer, and device URI. See example here: https://github.com/BIG-RAT/addPrinters/releases/download/current/printers.csv
You’ve added a few extra bits of information along with the required fields. One important note, as you’ve included a category called Printers, that category must exist prior to adding the printers to the Jamf Server. Now, let’s build a script to import the information, the path to the file containing your printer information will be passed as an argument to the script.
Let's start with a little help on how to run the script. If the data file is not provided you will provide some usage information:
if [ "$1" = "" ];then echo "Usage:" echo " /path/to/createPrinters.sh /path/to/printers.csv" exit fi
Verify the file provided is accessible:
if [[ ! -f $1 ]];then echo "unable to locate data file: $1" exit fi
Next prompt for credentials used to create the printers:
echo -n "Jamf Server Admin: " read uname echo -n "Password for ${uname}: " stty -echo read passwrd stty echo echo
Create an endpoint used to test authentication:
Test authentication:
result=$(curl -w " %{http_code}" -m 10 -sku "${uname}":"${passwrd}" ${endpointUrl} -X GET -H "Accept: application/xml") statusCode=$(echo $result | awk '{print $NF}') if [[ $statusCode = "401" ]];then echo "Incorrect username and/or password." exit 0 fi
Set the URL so that you can create new objects:
Loop through the file capturing the attributes you'll be setting, create the XML to create the printer, and POST the XML.
while read printer;do name=$(echo $printer | awk -F',' '{ print $1 }') if [[ -z $name ]];then echo "missing printer name: ${printer}" echo continue fi category=$(echo $printer | awk -F',' '{ print $2 }') uri=$(echo $printer | awk -F',' '{ print $3 }') if [[ -z ${uri} ]];then echo "missing printer URI: ${printer}" echo continue fi cups_name=$(echo $printer | awk -F',' '{ print $4 }') if [[ -z ${cups_name} ]];then echo "missing CUPS name (queue name): ${printer}" echo continue fi model=$(echo ${printer} | awk -F',' '{ print $5 }') default=$(echo ${printer} | awk -F',' '{ print $6 }') printerXml="<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\ <printer>\ <name>${name}</name>\ <category>${category}</category>\ <uri>${uri}</uri>\ <CUPS_name>${cups_name}</CUPS_name>\ <model>${model}</model>\ <make_default>${default}</make_default>\ </printer>" result=$(curl -sku "${uname}":"${passwrd}" ${endpointUrl} -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d "${printerXml}") if [[ $(echo $result | grep 'technical details') = "" ]];then echo "created printer: ${name}" else echo "***** failed to create printer: ${name}" echo "$result" echo fi done << EOL $(cat "${1}") EOL
Putting all together we have:
#!/bin/bash if [[ $1 = "" ]];then echo "Missing data file." echo "Usage: /path/to/createPrinters.sh /path/to/printers.csv" exit fi if [[ ! -f $1 ]];then echo "unable to locate data file: $1" exit fi echo -n "Jamf Server Admin: " read uname echo -n "Password for ${uname}: " stty -echo read passwrd stty echo echo ## url used to test authentication endpointUrl="https://your.jamf.server:port/JSSResource/printers" ## test authentication result=$(curl -w " %{http_code}" -m 10 -sku "${uname}":"${passwrd}" ${endpointUrl} -X GET -H "Accept: application/xml") statusCode=$(echo $result | awk '{print $NF}') if [[ $statusCode = "401" ]];then echo "Incorrect username and/or password." exit 0 fi ## set the url so that we can create new objects endpointUrl="${endpointUrl}/id/0" while read printer;do name=$(echo $printer | awk -F',' '{ print $1 }') if [[ -z $name ]];then echo "missing printer name: ${printer}" echo continue fi category=$(echo $printer | awk -F',' '{ print $2 }') uri=$(echo $printer | awk -F',' '{ print $3 }') if [[ -z ${uri} ]];then echo "missing printer URI: ${printer}" echo continue fi cups_name=$(echo $printer | awk -F',' '{ print $4 }') if [[ -z ${cups_name} ]];then echo "missing CUPS name (queue name): ${printer}" echo continue fi model=$(echo ${printer} | awk -F',' '{ print $5 }') default=$(echo ${printer} | awk -F',' '{ print $6 }') printerXml="<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\ <printer>\ <name>${name}</name>\ <category>${category}</category>\ <uri>${uri}</uri>\ <CUPS_name>${cups_name}</CUPS_name>\ <model>${model}</model>\ <make_default>${default}</make_default>\ </printer>" result=$(curl -sku "${uname}":"${passwrd}" ${endpointUrl} -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d "${printerXml}") if [[ $(echo $result | grep 'technical details') = "" ]];then echo "created printer: ${name}" else echo "***** failed to create printer: ${name}" echo "$result" echo fi done << EOL $(cat "${1}") EOL
Running the script (make sure it's executable: chmod +x /path/to/addPrinters.sh):
$ /path/to/addPrinters.sh /path/to/printers.csv Jamf Server Admin: jpsadmin Password for jpsadmin: created printer: 3rd Floor Xerox created printer: 2nd Floor HP MFP created printer: Brother MFC-L5850DW series created printer: Lobby
Now, what if you forgot to create the Printers category before running the script? You should see a reference to the cause of the error in the result of the curl command:
<html> <head> <title>Status page</title> </head> <body style="font-family: sans-serif;"> <p style="font-size: 1.2em;font-weight: bold;margin: 1em 0px;">Conflict</p> <p>Error: Problem with category name</p> <p>You can get technical details <a href="http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.4.10">here</a>.<br> Please continue your visit at our <a href="/">home page</a>. </p> </body> </html>
You could say the creation of the printer object (may) depend on the existence of the category object. May depend, since you can create a printer object, with no category assigned, regardless as to whether or not categories are created. It is, however, nice to know what object you should create first, to avoid potential issues later on. In general, start with shared objects, those not tied to only macOS or iOS. By ranking objects with the fewest, or no, dependencies to those with the most, you'll have something like the following:
Sites User Extension Attributes LDAP Servers Users Buildings Departments Categories Jamf Users Jamf Groups Network Segments Advanced User Searches User Groups macOS: File Shares (AFP/SMB) Directory Bindings Dock Items Computers Software Update Servers Netboot Servers Extension Attributes Scripts Printers Groups Restricted Software Configuration Profiles Packages Advanced Searches Configurations Policies iOS: Extension Attributes Devices Groups Advanced iOS Searches Configuration Profiles
Another issue you might run into is where the object (printer) already exists. Again, you will see a reference to the issue in the result of the curl command:
<html> <head> <title>Status page</title> </head> <body style="font-family: sans-serif;"> <p style="font-size: 1.2em;font-weight: bold;margin: 1em 0px;">Conflict</p> <p>Error: Duplicate name</p> <p>You can get technical details <a href="http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.4.10">here</a>.<br> Please continue your visit at our <a href="/">home page</a>. </p> </body> </html>
Pick a Language
Prefer to script in a language other than bash? You’re in luck! Python, Java and PowerShell to name a few all support working with the API.
For example, using this PowerShell script you can create the same printers. Say you have both the PowerShell script and data file in D:\api, you run the script similar to what you did with the shell script. Before running you need to modify the file for your environment. Locate line 100 and set $endpointUrl to the server in your environment:
$endpointUrl = "https://your.jamf.server:port/JSSResource/printers" Now run the script from the PowerShell command prompt: D:\api\appPrinters.ps1 D:\api\printers.cvs
The script will bring up a dialog box prompting for credentials:
Provide appropriate Jamf Pro credentials and the results should be similar to what you saw earlier, provided the printers don't already exist.
cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters: added printer: 3rd Floor Xerox added printer: 2nd Floor HP MFP added printer: Brother MFC-L5850DW series added printer: Lobby
As a final example, you might find it useful to have a script that is cross platform, say in Java. Let's take this Java script, compile it and run it. Before compiling, you need to modify the file for your environment. Locate line 93 and set endpointUrl to the server in your environment:
endpointUrl = new URL ("https://your.jamf.server:port/JSSResource/printers/id/0");
First, you'll change your present working directory to the directory you've saved the addPrinters.java script, then compile:
workstation $ javac addPrinters.java
This will create a file called addPrinters.class in the same directory as the .java file. Now you'll execute the addPrinters file (leaving off the extension):
workstation $ java addPrinters /path/to/printers.csv Jamf Admin Username: jpsadmin Password for jpsadmin: created printer: 3rd Floor Xerox created printer: 2nd Floor HP MFP created printer: Brother MFC-L5850DW series created printer: Lobby workstation $
Note, this was only tested using java 8.
In Conclusion
The API provides a safe, easy and flexible way to add data to your Jamf Pro server. Although the API doesn't provide access to all the settings available in the GUI, there is a tremendous amount of work you can do with it to save yourself from repetitive tasks.
You can find all the scripts and sample data file here.
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