Screen Saver set to specific static image?

Contributor II

I know there's no good built in way to do this in Casper, and googling isn't turning up anything particularly helpful. I've been mandated to make a static image as every Mac's screen saver. Yes, I know. Completely defeats the purpose of having a screen saver.

So I'm looking for a way to set the screen saver to "classic" (in El Capitan, that's the one that just rotates through static images), and point it to a folder that only has the one image in it.

I found this from @rlziebart :link

Is something like that still valid in El Cap? Is there a simpler way to do it? Just trying to get a handle on what is possible in this context in the shortest amount of time. I haven't done any work with managing the screen saver like this before so I'm learning on the fly.


Valued Contributor

I recently did this using Quartz Composer to create the screensaver (also just one image)
and used an adaption of this to enable it.
I don't have the QC file anymore, but let me know if you want to go down that road, then i can try to recreate it if you need it...

New Contributor II

I have a script for this, feel free to PM me.

Contributor II

@billystanton I'd love to get your script but I don't think we can PM here. Or can we? I don't see a way to do it.

New Contributor II

@znilsson Apologies! I don't use this forum much!

How do I add a script to this thread? Just copy and paste it in?

Contributor II

@billystanton Yeah there is a code button in the formatting tools above the response box. It's the one to the right of the quote marks, click that and then paste the script in there.