Adobe Acrobat 9 serial number issue

New Contributor II

I installed Adobe Acrobat 9 from the CS5 suite (its a separate disc than the rest of the CS5 suite) using composer. Its a simple drag and drop install.

Basically did this:

Ran composer and too a snap shot. Installed Adobe Acrobat 9
Ran adobe acrobat 9, accepted the license and entered the serial number
Built the package, made some changes to permissions (so everyone has write access to the stupid files that it auto-fixes)
Built the DMG

When i distribute that package it doesn't remember the serial number for any user (nt even the administrator i installed it with).

So, i did a "New and modified" composer package and entered the serial number again. No dice.

So, i did a "monitor the file system" package. same thing, doesn't remember the serial number after the image.

If i enter the serial number by hand after installing the software it remembers it and works for all users.

Anyone have any luck installing the serial number for Acrobat 9?


Michael Bond
Professional Technologist
WVU Libraries
Office.: 304-293-0340
Cell....: 304-282-0640
Email.: Michael.Bond at


New Contributor II

the machines your package is NOT working on: do they already have CS4/CS5?
or if you push this package to a totally blank machine, does it suddenly work?

what might be happening is that the package isn't 'overwriting' the existing licensing info on your machines.

if thats the case, you need to build a license that has ALL your adobe needs. On a blank test machine, install all your adobe stuff from disk. Launch it, register it and enter the serial. then capture the license files and add them to your packages so that moving forward everyone has all the licensing stuff they need.

the licensing is stored in these three places. be sure to grab them all

/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PCD
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/backup
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/caps

the Adobe deployment tools are catching up, but they still aren't robust enough to work with Acrobat 9 :(

--missing content--

Adobe deploy, so some of these issues will disappear on their own.

ben janowski
Senior Macintosh Support Technician
Kohl's Mac Support Team
262.703.1396 | benjamin.janowski at

Esteemed Contributor III

AAMEE handles this quite nicely. :)

Follow JAMF's document on packaging Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 (should be using the diff):

Once Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 is deployed, you can then deploy your AAMEE 1.2 generated Adobe CS5 Master Collection (or any other flavor of the suite).

The only issue that AAMEE 1.2 has not resolved is the issue of the following folders that need to be removed before the AAMEE pkg is deployed:

/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Profiles /Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Recommended

We use a JSS "before" shell script to zip these folders and then remove them:

#!/bin/sh # # Archive /usr/bin/zip -r /Library/ColorSync/ /Library/ColorSync/Profiles /bin/rm -Rf /Library/ColorSync/Profiles exit 0

We've deployed Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 along with Adobe CS5 Master Collection to a pilot group, no issues so far. Target computers don't have any previous CS or Acrobat installs, so I wouldn't know if there are any issues with concurrent version installs. If there are issues with concurrent installs, I'm quite sure the AAMEE program will address in upcoming releases.



Esteemed Contributor III

As a follow up to my last post, it looks like Jody Rodgers (Adobe) posted links with info on removing existing installs of CS and Acrobat.



Valued Contributor

Hi Don,

Thanks for this tip.

One thing doesn't make sense to me is; why just zipping the
"/Library/ColorSync/Profiles" and unzip it afterwards? If it is not
agreeing with the rest of the install why not just remove it for good. As
user may go and unzip it and then Service Desk will have a call regards to
Adobe licensing issue (or shall I ask; will this action be harmful??).

On the other hand, I presume it might be a custom calibration settings
maybe needed to be copied back. Am I right?

Just don't get it why keep the folder as zipped...I am sure there should
be a reason and I would love to hear it.



Esteemed Contributor III

Hi Cem,

The Adobe engineers had us remove the folder since CS5 adds the same profiles but in a different folder structure. I usually zip up stuff just in case. If someone unzips the archive, I believe it would expand as "Profiles 1".


** Sent from my iPhone **


Valued Contributor

Now all make sense :) I think its a good practice, as you don’t have to
remember where is the previous folder if needed.
It opened up as "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles" in /Library/ColorSync/
So the full path for the unzipped folder as this

Thanks again for sharing the info and your workflow.

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Happy new year in advance to you all. I am well pleased to be part of this
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Valued Contributor

*TYPO* correction path

Esteemed Contributor III

Ahh...I guess the zip syntax was wrong. I also see that any aliases that were there when the folder got zip'd were resolved. Not sure how to adjust the syntax so the restored folder comes in as "Profiles 1", or how to preserve aliases during the zipping process.

