Kill Siri

Contributor II

I had read through the discussion here:

But Siri still breathes for me. I have a restriction payload that kills the Siri process, but it restarts after 15 seconds, meaning I get a new "Siri has been restricted by corporate policy." message every 15 seconds, creating a LOT of dialogs.

I have a Configuration Profile that sets Assistant Enabled=false in ~/Library/Preferences/

But that seems to have no impact. So I either have it set incorrectly or there is something else missing. Any thoughts?


Contributor III

Use "Restricted Applications" to kill That will kill it without the dialog unless you put something in the message box.

Update: This doesn't work. Leaving here as reference that it has been tried. SIP forces Siri to run.
You also have to put a copy of "" and set it disabled ->'true". The script below will deploy this from Casper system wide. If anyone has an easy one or two liner to write the runatload='false' and disabled=true options to plists I'd be interested in seeing it:). Something like "cp /System/Library/LaunchAgents/FILE /Library/LaunchAgents; defaults write PATH/FILE disabled -string true"

## This installs a copy of the two launchagents responsible for siri services into '/Library/LaunchAgents", which are configured as disabled.  This overrides the enabled versions in /System/Library/LaunchAgents. If left enabled, will continually attempt to re-launch.

echo "
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
" > /Library/LaunchAgents/
chmod 644 /Library/LaunchAgents/
chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchAgents/

echo "
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
" > /Library/LaunchAgents/
chmod 644 /Library/LaunchAgents/
chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchAgents/

Contributor III

I created an image with the Siri app deleted.
I dont anticipate our uses wanting it considering how there may be some privacy concerns. We'er not ready to run Sierra at the University and in fact I have the installer blocked so I have no surprises.

Contributor III

@CapU What are you going to do when 10.12.3+ installs a new version?

Contributor II

@MrP , no luck. I ran the script and the two Launch Agents were created under /Library/LaunchAgents. I then rebooted and Siri still is running. If I Force Quit it, it just comes back.

Contributor III


Contributor III

Update: This doesn't work. Leaving here as reference that it has been tried. SIP forces Siri to run.

Odd. In my /var/log/jamf.log i saw it constantly killing before ran the script above. Try doing this as root to add assistantd to the disabled items list in launchd under both the user and system contexts.

Run the following commands as root before and after to check the status. Disabled = True.

user=`ls -l /dev/console | cut -d " " -f 4`
userid=`id -u $user`
launchctl print-disabled system
launchctl print-disabled gui/$userid

Run the following to disable them. To reverse change 'disable' to 'enable'.

user=`ls -l /dev/console | cut -d " " -f 4`
userid=`id -u $user`
launchctl disable user/$userid/
launchctl disable gui/$userid/
launchctl disable system/
# these three will fail unless you have SIP disabled. 
launchctl disable user/$userid/
launchctl disable gui/$userid/
launchctl disable system/

Contributor II

Siri and Assistantd didn't show as disabled initially, but after running the command to disable they are in the list now. But it still looks like is running in Activity Monitor. BTW, I do NOT have SIP disabled. I don't see any resolution involving disabling SIP viable since there isn't a way to switch it off and on with JAMF and doing it manually isn't really an option.

$ launchctl print-disabled system
disabled services = {
    "" => false
    "" => false
    "" => true
    "" => true
    "com.openssh.sshd" => false
    "" => true
    "" => false
    "" => false
    "" => false
    "org.ntp.ntpd" => false
    "" => true
    "" => true

$ sudo launchctl disable user/1459944745/
$ sudo launchctl disable gui/1459944745/
$ sudo launchctl disable system/
$ sudo launchctl disable user/1459944745/
$ sudo launchctl disable gui/1459944745/
$ sudo launchctl disable system/

$ launchctl print-disabled system
disabled services = {
    "" => false
    "" => false
    "" => true
    "" => true
    "com.openssh.sshd" => false
    "" => true
    "" => false
    "" => false
    "" => false
    "" => true
    "org.ntp.ntpd" => false
    "" => true
    "" => true
    "" => true

$ launchctl print-disabled gui/1459944745
disabled services = {
    "" => false
    "" => true
    "" => true
    "" => true
    "" => true
login item associations = {

Contributor III

I have to apologize. I had forgotten that I disabled SIP to do a dtrace while troubleshooting something else. I just re-enabled it and siri resumed trying to launch and jamf killing it. I agree, disabling SIP is not an option. Sorry to waste your time. Hopefully someone else has something more insightful. I do believe that the majority of the functionality is disabled when you disable assistantd, however it would be re-assuring to not have the app running.

Contributor III

The following will configure the user options to be disabled if found to be enabled, but it won't stop from running in the background. fwiw. Disable the system preferences icon by selecting the configuration profile "Restrictions -> Disable System preferences -> Dictation and Voice".

# Set verbosity level. The following are the available levels.
#   [0]="emerg" [1]="alert" [2]="crit" [3]="err" [4]="warning" [5]="notice" [6]="info" [7]="debug"  

# Function to implement proper output logging.
#  This uses syslog standard levels:
declare -a LOG_LEVELS
LOG_LEVELS=([0]="emergency" [1]="alert" [2]="critical" [3]="error" [4]="warning" [5]="notice" [6]="info" [7]="debug")
function log () {
  local LEVEL=${1}
  if [ ${__VERBOSE} -ge ${LEVEL} ]; then
    echo "[${LOG_LEVELS[$LEVEL]}]" "$@"
# Get user logged into console and put into variable "user"
user=`ls -l /dev/console | cut -d " " -f 4`
if [ $user ]; 
    log 6 "User logged into console is: $user"
    userid=`id -u $user`
    log 6 "Unique ID for $user is: $userid"

if [ "$user" != "root" ];
    # Siri: Disable
    if [ ! -e $markerFile ];
        sudo -u $user defaults read "Assistant Enabled" 2> /dev/null | grep 1 > /dev/null
        if [ $? == "0" ];
            log 5 "User: Siri: Siri is marked enabled in System Preferences.  Disabling."
            sudo -u $user defaults write "Assistant Enabled" -bool false
        sudo -u $user defaults read StatusMenuVisible  2> /dev/null | grep 1 > /dev/null
        if [ $? == "0" ];
            log 5 "User: Siri: Siri is marked visible in the menu bar.  Removing from menubar."
            sudo -u $user defaults write StatusMenuVisible -bool false
        sudo -u $user defaults read UserHasDeclinedEnable  2> /dev/null | grep 0 > /dev/null
        if [ $? == "0" ];
            log 5 "User: Siri: UserHasDeclinedEnable is set to false.  Setting to true."
            sudo -u $user defaults write UserHasDeclinedEnable -bool true
        if [ $uirestart == 1 ]; then log 5 "User: Siri: Restarting SystemUIServer to apply changes."; killall -HUP SystemUIServer; fi

Contributor III

@MrP I just updated to 10.12.2 and Siri is still disabled. well see what happens when 10.12.3 is released

New Contributor II

I'm disabling Siri using an MDM config profile.
Using the Custom Settings, I just import the Plists that have the setting for having Siri enabled.

Seems to be working well so far.

New Contributor III

I have tried the adjusted plists as well as the 2 mobileconfigs seen below, but when we add siri to the restricted software list, it is still flagged continuously. I did notice it always squats in activity monitor, regardless of anything that is done to try and kill it

any other thoughts as to how I can get siri on the restricted software tab without it continuously being flagged?