Blocking network bridge on MAC OSX

New Contributor

i will appreciate if someone will be able to help with that.
Our security department required to block network bridge between WiFiEthernet or two Ethernet connection at the same time equally. i found script here at jamf ( that working great only when switching between WiFi to Ethernet and bi-directional. the problem is that once we are connect with two Ethernet networks it doesn't block the second Ethernet. so at that scenario the bridge network is available.
what do i need to add to the script? how can i preferred only one Ethernet device to be active?

here the script:



Some variables to make things easier to read:




Find out how many Interfaces there are


count=networksetup -listallhardwareports | grep Hardware | wc -l | tr -s " "
echo "Found$count network interfaces"


Get Interfaces


reset counter



while [ $counter -lt $count ] do interface[$counter]=$PlistBuddy -c "Print Interfaces:$counter:SCNetworkInterfaceType" $plist let "counter += 1"


Get Real Interfaces


reset counter



while [ $counter -lt $count ] do bsdname[$counter]=$PlistBuddy -c "Print Interfaces:$counter:BSD Name" $plist let "counter += 1"


Build Airport Array ${airportArray[@]} and Ethernet Array ${ethernetArray[@]}


reset counter



while [ $counter -lt $count ] do


Check for Airport


if [ "${interface[$counter]}" = "IEEE80211" ] then


Add it to the Array


airportArray[$counter]=${bsdname[$counter]} fi


Check for Ethernet


if [ "${interface[$counter]}" = "Ethernet" ] then


Add it to the Array


ethernetArray[$counter]=${bsdname[$counter]} fi


let "counter += 1"




Tell us what was found


for i in ${ethernetArray[@]}
do echo $i is Ethernet

for i in ${airportArray[@]}
do echo $i is Airport


Check to see if Ethernet is connected


Figure out which Interface has activity


for i in ${ethernetArray[@]} do activity=netstat -I $i | wc -l if [ $activity -gt 1 ] then echo "$i has activity..." checkActive=ifconfig $i | grep status | cut -d ":" -f2


Ethernet IS connected


if [ "$checkActive" = " active" ] then echo "$i is connected...turning off Airport"


Turn off Airport


networksetup -setairportpower ${airportArray[@]} off echo "Airport off" exit 0 fi if [ "$checkActive" = " inactive" ] then echo "$i is not active" fi fi
done echo "Checked all Interfaces"


If the script makes it this far assume Ethernet is not connected.


Turn on Airport


networksetup -setairportpower ${airportArray[@]} on
echo "Airport on"
exit 0

thank you


Contributor III

I suspect applying ifconfig en# down to any non-primary ethernet interface would do the trick, albeit with side effects related to failover. However, why are you trying to stop bridges via script? I just block the sharing prefpane with a configuration profile to prevent their being created. If you are imaging clients, you also have the option of tampering with /System/Library/PreferencePanes/SharingPref.prefPane/Contents/Resources/servicelist.xml in the image.

New Contributor

Hi can you explain how to apply your solution with Jamf Pro?

thank you