Compiled configuration using "Local Drive" instead of CasperShare?

Contributor II

I have a bunch of FireWire boot drives that I'm using with cached packages listed on the "LOCAL DRIVES" portion of the sidebar in Casper Admin.

When I compile the configuration, it seems like it is pulling everything over the network from the CasperShare. I think this because:
1- It takes forever
2- Activity Monitor shows a huge amount of network traffic, consistent with the amount of data for the config.

I know how to specify a local drive in Casper Imaging. How do I force Casper Admin to use the local cache instead of going over the network?


New Contributor III

Are you trying to compile the config using the packages on the Firewire drive instead of the JSS share point on the server? If so we have done this by setting up another distribution point that points to:

afp:// HD

You can use another drive other than Macintosh HD if desired. You then need to goto the sharing tab in system preferences and share the drive via afp and give appropriate permissions. You then change the master distribution point from your JSS server share point to the new DP you just set up. This is a weird way of doing it, but it works and saves a ton of time. As soon as its done I switch back to the main DP and add the compiled dmg into Casper Admin for use with my configs.

Honored Contributor

You could always just use an asr script to image your machine locally with a compiled configuration. I posted this before I worked for JAMF and it was part of my work flow when I was a System Administrator for a school district. I used this method so I could have smart configurations based off a compiled parent configuration.

If you scroll down this link you will see my asr script. I just had Casper imaging run the script, and not actually run any compiled configurations, and then wrote the script to do the block copy of the compiled image.

Hopefully, this may give you an idea or two.
