Giving back.
Constantly doing better for our community and the world.
The Jamf Nation Global Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit organization, was established in 2013 out of a desire to provide Jamf employees with additional opportunities to participate in their communities and organizations of choice through volunteering and financial contributions. Through the altruistic efforts of Jamf employees, the foundation strives to serve organizations that align with our core values and abilities.
We measure our employee engagement success through hours of volunteer time off taken, funds contributed through matching gifts, and the percentage of eligible employees who participate.
Jamf employees have the choice to give back in the following ways:
Matching Gifts
The Employee Matching Gift program enables employees to support important institutions and causes by providing a match (1:1) of employee contributions up to $4,000 annually for each employee (combined match and volunteer rewards). All employee donations to qualified 501(c)3 organizations or comparable organizations in other countries are eligible for matching.
Directed Funding
Directed Funding includes employee directed financial and volunteer resources to organizations and causes that align with the foundation’s geographical and interest-based communities in which our employees live and work. Directed Funding supports and helps to advance an organizations mission and overall impact in a positive direction.
The 10-10-10 program empowers a group of employees to build momentum and support around a specific cause. The 10-10-10 programs asks that at least 10 Jamf employees spend two hours volunteering for an organization, and at least 10 Jamf employees make a donation to the same organization. The JNGF then donates 10 times the total donated by Jamf employees, up to $10,000.
Volunteer Time Off (VTO)
Jamf grants employees 24 hours of VTO per fiscal year to spend time volunteering in their communities.
Volunteer Rewards
Employees earn $10 per hour of volunteering for donations to a cause of their choice up to $4,000 (combined match and volunteer rewards).
ERG Directed Giving
Jamf hosts Employee Resource Groups (ERG). These are Donations Directed by the ERGs to causes aligned with their missions.
Since Inception, Jamf and Jamf employees have:
Donated over $6.3 million
Launched 17 Matter Innovation Hubs in 6 countries
Volunteered over 78,000 hours
*Donations include $5.2M from the JNGF.
Community Education Initiatives
MATTER Innovation Hubs (MIH)
The Matter Innovation Hub (MIH) is a 21st century classroom that provides enriching, engaging, and personalized learning opportunities for any student regardless of conditions. MATTER Hubs are technology enabled active learning centers supported by Apple and Jamf technology designed to create an engaging environment and student-centered learning using a sustainable design.
The idea of a tech-based learning opportunity was sparked in 2017 when a Jamf saw the potential of students during a trip to Haiti. Initial efforts included Jamf providing internet access, hardware and training for both students and teachers in Haiti. Since then, Jamf has partnered with MATTER and other sponsors to build 17 innovation hubs in 6 territories, including Zimbabwe, Uganda, Samoa and Haiti.
There are three version of the MIH – station, pod, and center. Each is designed to support technology-enabled active learning via single table unit designed for small programs or as a pilot station.
The following are fundamental concepts to the MATTER Innovation Hubs:
Environment that promotes student-centered learning opportunities focused on critical thinking and creativity.
Pedagogical practices that create safe, welcoming, student-centered conditions for personalized growth and success.
Sustainably designed for ease of use, ease of implementation, and ease of maintenance for all equipment and systems to include a three-year supported commitment.
Apple Community Education Initiatives
We’ve been involved in helping Apple with their own community education initiatives for many years, including the following programs:
Launched in 2014 as part of a commitment to President Obama's ConnectED initiative, Apple pledged $100 million in iPads, MacBooks, and other products along with content and professional development tools to enrich learning in underserved schools across the county. Jamf has been involved since inception, directly helping support 112 of the 114 schools involved in this initiative.