Allyship: Jamf will educate, act, support, improve and listen

We, as one Jamf, pledge to be leaders and allies of change by taking intentional action. Read for full details.

June 2 2020 by

Aisha Baker

Dean Hager

Aisha Baker, President, Shades of Jamf
Dean Hager, CEO, Jamf

It has been a tragic and turbulent time in Jamf’s home city of Minneapolis. Last week, an unarmed black man was killed while in the custody of local police, and this has justifiably sparked immense hurt and anger. Our hearts are with the family of George Floyd, and with the families across the world that have experienced mistreatment by people in authority and devastating loss directly tied to racial injustice.

Our team has spent the last week listening and supporting each other and the community. It is the time to listen, but it is not the time to refrain from action. These tragedies are reminders that true ally ship requires active, daily work.

We are challenging our team to imagine and work on ideas that create a fair and just future – for Jamfs, for those in our communities, and those in our industry. Being in the tech industry, which is often full of promise and innovation but also known for a lack of diversity, comes with great responsibility.

We, as one Jamf, pledge to be leaders and allies of change by taking intentional action. Jamf plans:

  • To educate: We plan to continue investing in bias and allyship training for our team, working with people of color in the community, so our employees are empowered to tackle tough conversations and be actively anti-racist inside and outside of Jamf.
  • To act: We have pledged to encourage and match employee charitable donations and offer paid time off for employees to protest and volunteer for the causes they cherish. We are exploring safe and helpful ways to continue this activism.
  • To support: We are engaging in open conversations with our employees of color on how we can best support them and encourage employees to take the time away they need. We also plan to give more mental health resources, and through a joint effort with our Shades of Jamf employee resource group, are giving guidelines and coaching to managers on how to speak with their teams on difficult topics.
  • To continue to improve and listen: We will take a re-energized dive into our hiring practices and equity policies to continue to strive for equal representation. We are not perfect. We will continue to listen and learn from both our Jamf team and the larger communities we live in.

Amongst all of this sadness, our spirits have lifted this week as we’ve seen Jamfs supporting, hearing and learning from each other. Our colleagues around the world have sent donations to Twin Cities non-profits. Local Jamfs have protested together and given help when needed. Our Employee Resource Groups, in particular — The Shades of Jamf — have shown tremendous heart and leadership.

We believe in the Twin Cities community and are committed to doing our part to create a just future for all.

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