Explore Jamf Trust with Ondřej Krupka and Alexander Kozlowski and learn how it ensures device compliance and security while maintaining user privacy and productivity.
Jamf Trust: The Admin and End-User Experience | JNUC 2023
Learn about Jamf Trust in this insightful session with experts Ondřej Krupka and Alexander Kozlowski. Uncover the versatility of the Jamf Trust app across various platforms like iOS, Android, macOS and Windows. The session walks through the process of enrolling, activating and managing user devices from a centralized admin console, illustrating its seamless synchronization with your preferred UEM, MDM, or Identity Provider (IdP). Further, witness how integrating other Jamf products can simplify and elevate the efficacy of Jamf Trust for both users and administrators. The session also provides a glimpse into the exciting roadmap ahead.