Support App, quick access to IT and resources, easily integrated with Jamf

Learn about the Support app in macOS and much, much more!

The Support app is a macOS menu bar app built for organizations to:

  • Help users and helpdesks to see basic diagnostic information at a glance and proactively notify them to easily fix small issues
  • Offer shortcuts to easily access support channels or other company resources such as a website or a file server
  • Give users a modern and native macOS app with your corporate identity

The easiest and recommended way to configure the app is using a Configuration Profile and your MDM solution, such as Jamf Pro. Root3 already had a basic in-house support app written in Objective-C and decided to completely rewrite it in Swift using SwiftUI with an all-new design that looks great on macOS Big Sur. We’ve learned that SwiftUI is the perfect way of creating great-looking apps for all Apple platforms with minimal effort. In the development process, we decided to make it generic so other organizations can take advantage of it and contribute to the Mac admins community. We'll give some background information about the development process and hopefully, we can inspire fellow admins to start writing apps in SwiftUI as well! We have created a JSON Schema for Jamf Pro to easily let the administrator configure all necessary key/value pairs in an XML/plist file. Thanks to this Jamf Pro feature, the level required to configure the app is much lower than with other MDM solutions and you can have the app configured in just a couple of minutes. During the session, we will show the app, its possibilities and demonstrate how to integrate with Jamf Pro using the custom JSON Schema. Also, Self Service is a part of the demo as we would like to give it a prominent place in the app so the user can quickly access new apps, bookmarks or other utilities. We will also focus on general app deployment and how an app can be secure, easy to deploy and follow Apple recommendations such as sandboxing, notarization, signing etc. Link to the project: