A MacBook with a lock icon protected by Jamf connects to a gear in the cloud.

GDPR Compliance

Jamf was awarded ISO 27701:2019 certification in May 2022. This framework is designed to provide guidance for complying with various privacy regulations being introduced across the world by specifying control requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving a privacy information management system (PIMS). Our compliance with the ISO 27701 framework is validated on an annual basis by Coalfire, an independent certification body.

At this time, there is not a widely used and accepted General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) certification scheme that meets Article 42 GDPR requirements.
While ISO 27701 is an international standard and not GDPR-specific, they have many overlapping goals and both aim to strengthen data protection controls to ensure that individuals’ data protection rights are protected. To demonstrate how Jamf’s ISO certification applies to our compliance with our GDPR obligations, we’ve provided a mapping of the ISO 27701 controls applicable to our business with the GDPR articles. Should you have further questions, contact: privacy@jamf.com.