For IT, the user experience is critical. Organizations can't afford interuptions in productivity or costs associated with delays in getting users the right tools at the right time. And, users are increasingly demanding better access, speed, and availability with their devices.
How to accommodate all needs
Apple's Device Enrollment Program (DEP) and Volume Purchase Program (VPP) are a great way for IT admins to simplify common workflows and take full advantage of the Apple ecosystem. These programs, in conjunction with Self Service from the Casper Suite, not only make IT admins' jobs easier, they help meet rising expectations and improve the user experience. Check out how IBM is leveraging the DEP, VPP, and Self Service trifecta.
1. Zero-touch enrollment with DEP
DEP is the best way to get new devices configured quickly and at scale. But what does this mean for the user? Similar to transportation through Uber or a medical diagnosis from WebMD, users want instant service—and DEP offers it.
Delight employees with the post-it note experience: ship a boxed device that's configured and ready to go, no set up needed. Your workforce can hit the ground running and take advantage of productivity apps and content almost immediately, with management and guidance right out of the box.
You may be wondering, “but what about the apps?”
2. Deliver apps to users with VPP
VPP supports an easy and cost-effective way to buy and deploy apps in bulk from the app store. Organizations simply purchase apps, then assign app ownership to users or retain ownership to repurpose for future use.
Whether it's a computer lab or a kiosk at the mall, sometimes devices need to work seamlessly for many users. Repurposing apps with device-based VPP expands benefits and usage to more people. No matter the user, device-based VPP allows them to log in to a device or leverage an app without having to use their Apple ID.
3. Tie it all together with Self Service
Self Service is the perfect complement to DEP and VPP and the last piece of the puzzle to improve enrollment, deployment, and the user experience. With Self Service, IT admins can easily and efficiently choose and deploy software, apps, configurations—and best of all—the user benefits from the best experience possible.
Users can add and install the software they need without having to search, purchase, or submit an expense report. IT specifies what is available, and then users go to Self Service and get the software they need. Modeled after the Mac App Store, Self Service is intuitive and the company or school resource portal users have been waiting for.
You ready for the trifecta in your environment? Request a Jamf Pro trial.
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