Discover education insights and inspiration with Jamf Breakfast Club

We’ve expanded the scope of Jamf Breakfast Club, our video seminar series covering new developments and best practices in the world of education. Find out how educators and IT admins around the world are using technology to transform learning and provide better outcomes for students, teachers and parents.

July 13 2022 by

Tim Herr

A tray on a wooden surface in bright sunlight, bearing a plate of breakfast foods and a cup of coffee

Any educator will tell you that learning shouldn’t be confined to the time that students spend inside the classroom. The goal of education is not just to impart the fundamental ingredients for success in the adult world, but also to instill a love and a facility for learning that remain with students forever. Educational professionals understand the value of lifelong learning – but making time for it amidst the pressures of work and family life can be difficult.

That’s why we came up with Jamf Breakfast Club, a recurring education seminar that seeks to “teach the teachers” through lively and accessible discussions with outside experts. Originally focused on the educational scene in the United Kingdom and Ireland, this series will include contributions from educators and IT staff in the Americas moving forward. The sessions provide actionable lessons on technology-enhanced education and digital transformation of the classroom, explained in simple language by the people who have made them work.

Jamf Breakfast Club is designed to provide the perfect brain boost to accompany your morning coffee. Whether you’re a teacher, administrator, IT professional or even an interested parent, you should be able to find inspiration you can use to improve learning outcomes for the students in your life. Topics include classroom management, remote learning, podcasting, helpful apps and much more!

Keep an eye out for on-demand content and announcements

The Jamf Breakfast Club page linked at the bottom of this blog post will be updated with past sessions for on-demand viewing as well as announcements about upcoming sessions. So bookmark it if you want to make sure you’re caught up with the latest developments.

Visit the main Jamf Breakfast Club page to find on-demand episodes and updates.

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