Apple ID Strategy with Bushel and VPP

Learn the necessary steps for deploying apps to your Mac, iPhone and iPad devices.

February 25 2015 by

Deploying Apple devices in your business is exciting but can also be a bit intimidating. We’re here to help. Below, we’ve listed a step-by-step guide to deploying Apps to your iPhones, iPads and Macs the right way. Adopting some simple best practices will help you avoid headaches down the road and will take about 20 minutes.

Here we go!

  1. Sign up for Apple’s Volume Purchase Program (VPP) and Device Enrollment Program (DEP). It doesn’t take long to do this and your Apple Business Team will be able to assist you. We recommend starting with VPP (you’ll want to create a generic company Apple ID for this): Work with your Apple Business Team to find out if the DEP is right for your business.
  2. Purchase your business Apps in the VPP store. Even free Apps should be “purchased” this way (it’ll make things easier, trust us). Be sure to select the “Managed Distribution” option.
  3. Sign up for Bushel. This takes about five minutes and it’s completely free to sign up:
  4. Upload your VPP token from Apple to Bushel (this file is available for download in the “account” section of your VPP account).
  5. Invite users to take advantage of the Apps you distribute with Bushel in VPP section of the Account tab. You only have to do this once and you don’t need to know their Apple ID. Just put in any email address they use and they will receive an invitation which asks them to log in with their Apple ID.
  6. Rest easy. Your users can use their own Apple ID, get the Apps they need and your business maintains ownership of the Apps.

Watch the video below for more information:


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