Jamf Blog

Posts in the Webinars Category

December 11, 2024 by Jesus Vigo

Moving Target: The Evolving Risks of Enterprise Mobility Recap

Join Jamf and SASIG as we present “Moving Target: The Evolving Risks of Enterprise Mobility.” The webinar highlights the security risks prevalent in organizations that utilize mobile devices. Also, we discuss the challenges to safeguarding devices, users, and business apps, as well as provide key strategies to integrate mobile into your security stack.

December 3, 2024 by Haddayr Copley-Woods

Digital safety: real solutions for campus safety

Our "Digital Safety: Real Solutions for Keeping Campuses Safe" webinar explores how leading-edge technologies like Carousel, Singlewire and Jamf create safer learning environments.

April 26, 2022 by Haddayr Copley-Woods

How Explain Everything fosters engaged learning

Anastasia Procner delivers a presentation on the collaborative whiteboard app Explain Everything and how it makes remote and hybrid classrooms easier to manage at the Bett 2022 conference in London, UK.

April 24, 2022 by Tim Herr

Streamlining deployments and updates in Mac labs

In this session from Bett 2022, Jamf systems engineer Scott Mackay gives advice on combining Jamf Pro with the latest functionality of macOS Monterey and Apple School Manager for rapid and stress-free deployments.

April 21, 2022 by Haddayr Copley-Woods

iPad learning anywhere, anytime

From the Bett 2022 conference in London, Anthony Darlow delivers a presentation on the importance of a mobile device management system that fosters learning and is easy and intuitive to use for teachers, students and parents.

April 14, 2022 by Tim Herr

Using Microsoft, Google and other identity providers with Jamf School

From the Bett 2022 conference in London, Anthony Darlow delivers a presentation explaining how to work with your identity provider of school to import, authenticate and sychronize user and device data to Jamf School.

February 25, 2022 by Laurie Mona

Unlock the full potential of Managed Apple IDs at your school

Supercharge your school’s Apple device and data management with Apple School Manager, Managed Apple IDs, automation enabled by Jamf and integration with Claris Connect.

January 14, 2022 by Tim Herr

The transformative potential of digital signage using Apple TV

Apple TV is easy to set up and scale for digital signage that can transform organizations, especially when paired with Jamf and Carousel Digital Signage. Learn how outdoor lifestyle retailer Camping World successfully implemented digital signage across verticals, and review some ideas about how it can help you regardless of your industry or sector.

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